Showing posts with label reaction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reaction. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2021


 2021 The New Year or a continuation of 2020

I have tried to be positive about the upcoming year but it has been very difficult. The recent events of the breech of the US Capitol and continued BLM protest, it doesn't seem to be hopeful. The thought of a brighter future seems a little dim now. 

My thought on this is somehow we need to find a common ground.  Politically its not going to happen anytime soon.

So, what will bring us together?

I wish a had an answer, but whatever it might be it needs to happen soon, because everyday that goes by our country will be divided even more.

God Help Us All

Friday, April 3, 2020

An Awakening

We have come accustomed to our normal lives until last month and then the entire world changed. 

If you are following the news even just a little you are completely aware of how this pandemic is affecting our everyday life.

Now the pandemic has shut down non-essential businesses and people are being told to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus.
Some of the issues that have evolved from all of this is the shortage of common household goods like toilet paper, canned products, and anything anti-germ. This is leaving the shelves in the stores empty.

This has been an awakening for me, I had come accustomed to going to the store to get supplies whenever I needed them, but now I have to plan and go early or hopefully right after the shelves have been restocked.  This problem is not due to a shortage of manufacturing but of people in a panic. I have continued with my normal shopping and hoping to find the products I need, but after this pandemic settles down, I will not be unprepared again.   

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I recently watched a program about the human reaction to fight or flight. The test subjects were a SWAT team from the LA Police Dept. 

In the study, They monitored each team members heart rate, and breathing. The scenario was a simulated hostage situation.  The Team Leader was injected with Adrenalin to increase his heart rate to add stress to the simulation.

Once the exercise started, each members heart rate and breathing immediately increased. The team went through a realistic situation with loud noises, smoke, dark rooms and two assailants.

In the end the good guys win, but in reviewing the monitors, heart rates increased, but breathing leveled off and remain stable.  The SWAT team is continually trained on regulating breathing. This helps the oxygen flow to the blood enabling them to think clear and make quick decisions.

The exercise demonstrates the human ability to go beyond physical and emotional limits in stressful situations. The SWAT team resisted the flight mode of the human response and took control of their senses to respone to the fight.

The human response is not necessarly an automatic response. There is no limit to the human capaticy to achieve.  An Olimpic Weightlifter in their mind has no limit, just as the SWAT team could overcome fear.

We should always strive to achieve our best.