Friday, April 3, 2020

An Awakening

We have come accustomed to our normal lives until last month and then the entire world changed. 

If you are following the news even just a little you are completely aware of how this pandemic is affecting our everyday life.

Now the pandemic has shut down non-essential businesses and people are being told to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus.
Some of the issues that have evolved from all of this is the shortage of common household goods like toilet paper, canned products, and anything anti-germ. This is leaving the shelves in the stores empty.

This has been an awakening for me, I had come accustomed to going to the store to get supplies whenever I needed them, but now I have to plan and go early or hopefully right after the shelves have been restocked.  This problem is not due to a shortage of manufacturing but of people in a panic. I have continued with my normal shopping and hoping to find the products I need, but after this pandemic settles down, I will not be unprepared again.   

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