Thursday, April 9, 2020

Different Times

I went to the grocery store the other day and I was prepared to be a good citizen during this pandemic and wear my mask.  This was the first time for me going to the store after the official announcement was made for everyone to wear mask when in proximity of people around you.  Well, the surprise hit me when almost everyone in the store was wearing a mask there was just a few people without one and they look out of place.  

We are living in different times. After the 9/11 attacks it changed the way we lived our everyday lives. I believe this pandemic will do the same. After the virus has released us and we start to gather again. People will have that underling thought about the germs on people as well as on the surfaces they touch. And then there will be those as I stated in my last post will go back to their old ways. But it will be a different world.   

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