Showing posts with label rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rights. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2023

God's Freedom

God gives every single one of our freedoms. This freedom is the ultimate freedom, but it comes with consequences. 

The freedom of free will.

Our will is what drives us in our ability to choose to act on what is good or bad. God could easily have made us always be inclined to do good and never evil. But he gave us the freedom of choice of good or evil. Just as He did with Adam and Eve. The choice of good strengthens our faith when confronting the evil we experience daily. But the choice of sin has the consequences of the judgment of God. It also has been given to us internally, deep into our souls; this freedom is within each of us, and no country or government and take that away from you. 

Exercise your God-given right of free will. But be sure it is with deep thought because the wrong choice has consequences. 

Photo - pixabay - geralt

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Ukraine is the dominating news story on any channel. Most of the commentary has been fairly consistent, reports on where the Russians have attacked, how the Ukrainians are responding, all of this is a standard message being reported.  

Except - the reports of the Ukrainian government ordering men 18 to 60 to stay and fight.  As of this morning reports of 18,000 guns have be distributed to anyone who wants to fight for their country. The impact of this is similar to our Revolutionary War, where citizens fought along with the military to repel invading forces. 

Why are the major networks not reporting on a government arming its citizens?

Because, it would just reaffirm our US Constitution and the Bill of Rights on the 2nd Amendment. They have reported and supported the end of American citizens owning firearms for years. I believe this is one reason why America has stayed free for so long.  Social media will eventually get the word out that armed citizens are a critical element in the defense of not only a country but for everyday personal protection.   

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

What Happen?

 This is a big question to those who have been following what has happen in the the last year.  Some will say great advancements and better days to come, others will say it is the darkest of times.

Well, I would like to believe the first, but I'm afraid we are in dark times.  America is clearly divided it is the worst I've seen in my lifetime, there has always been the political divide and its been here since the birth of our nation. Those who are on the side of these are the best of times are the problem. I'm not normally, on the side of criticism in my posts here and I really try to remain positive.  But, what has happened?

It all started last year, with the BLM protest, and the movement to destroy historical monuments and statues and then the defund the police protest. Historically, protest have always happen in the United States its our Constitutional right to free speech and assembly.  But when those protest are against the foundation and principles of this country it is on the borderline of treason. Now that might seem like an extreme statement, when those protest turn into the dismantling and take over of a city police station (Portland, Oregon) this is the agenda of the progressives.  How can this happen without repercussions? The City of Portland was under siege. But yet, the media told the public it was peaceful.  If this had happen 20 or 30 years ago, the National Guard would have been brought in to stop it. 

Today the news reported the murder rate in Portland is up 800% our cities are falling apart. But yet there are people saying these are the best of times.

We need to speak out because if we don't before you know it - it will all be gone.  

I'm am a Patriot, I love my country and I will speak out against those who are trying to destroy the United States.  

 Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay     

Friday, June 26, 2020


The Freedom of Speech

A gift from the writers of the Bill of Rights.

Our freedom to speech and freely assemble is what makes our country great.  But when this right turns into violence and looting and destroying property it ceases to to be a right and turns into breaking the laws that govern us.  These laws just like the Constitution and Bill of rights are here to protect us, to protect our freedom.

Continue reading my post from Oct 2007