Monday, January 16, 2023

God's Freedom

God gives every single one of our freedoms. This freedom is the ultimate freedom, but it comes with consequences. 

The freedom of free will.

Our will is what drives us in our ability to choose to act on what is good or bad. God could easily have made us always be inclined to do good and never evil. But he gave us the freedom of choice of good or evil. Just as He did with Adam and Eve. The choice of good strengthens our faith when confronting the evil we experience daily. But the choice of sin has the consequences of the judgment of God. It also has been given to us internally, deep into our souls; this freedom is within each of us, and no country or government and take that away from you. 

Exercise your God-given right of free will. But be sure it is with deep thought because the wrong choice has consequences. 

Photo - pixabay - geralt

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