Friday, January 27, 2023

Questionable Authority

Before making a post for the day, I'll scan various news headlines for a story I'll have an opinion about. During the search, I have to filter the extreme opinion news articles. I look through all the news media hype, trying to grab my attention. Because we all know how easy it is to be influenced by what we see on any day of the week on the news.

Today there are a few articles about police authority and their actions. I'm not here to question or to give specific opinions about any incident involving the use of police authority, but if video evidence captures a particular event and is complete from beginning to end, I believe it is right to question the actions of those involved from both sides, and that is just at a surface level, it will take attorneys, juries and many court trails to come to a final conclusion. But in the meantime, this will spark a spontaneous reaction from the general public, causing protests and rioting, which causes more police involvement in dealing with potentially hostile environments. Creating a cycle of violence. 

My point is there will always be questionable incidents with those who are law enforcement, and it is right to do so. Justice must be served, and this applies to those in law enforcement and those arrested. And because of a few officers' actions, we should not apply those actions to the whole law enforcement occupation. 

The bottom line, we must trust in our judicial system to do what is right.
Photo - pixabay - sergeitokmakov

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