Showing posts with label capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label capitalism. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Midterm

The top story on most news outlets is the midterm elections. In the past, these elections have had a low turnout of voters at the polls. But this year will be different.  As we will vote in our own states, it's important to note we need to also focus on the other states. Since the last election, the House and Senate have been almost evenly split. The Democrats won the House, and the Republicans won the Senate. The two Houses combined can pass legislation, but nothing will give because each party has a majority vote in each House. 

The midterm elections could change this according to who wins in both houses. If the Dems win both Houses, we can watch our rights and freedoms entirely voted out of the constitution. And if the Republicans win, we can be assured that those rights and freedoms stay in place. 

I believe what makes this election important is the preview of the outlandish legislation the Democrats have proposed in the last several years. The main reason the United States has been so successful is that we are a republic and capitalist country. No other country in the world is like us. We must vote to protect our great country and not let the liberals set into law their socialist policies that can never be changed. Because we are the last free country in the world. Fight for it by casting your vote. 

Photo: geralt - pixabay   

Monday, May 23, 2022

Capitalizing on Change

The pandemic completely changed the way we do business.  The opportunities to reinvent the way we do business have a massive potential for entrepreneurial investments. 

Probably the most significant change is the working-from-home environment.

Here is just a short list of ways someone could invest:

  • The home office - items could be either rented or purchased.
  •  Home office warehouse - distributing office furniture like desks, cabinets, etc. for a corporation; these items would also be retrieved once an employee leaves the company.
  • Office supplies - a growth opportunity for companies like Staples and Office Depot for home delivery.

What will be the next opportunity to expand?

Can a current distributing company expand to cater to home-office opportunities?

This is the American way - capitalism at its best


Tuesday, November 2, 2021



I heard the other day, Biden is reducing the tariff on steel making it cheaper for foreign countries to import into the United States.  But when Trump was in office he increased the tariff making it more expensive to import.

So, which is better? Tariff or No Tariff

The United States needs to become more independent on goods and services.  We should not have to rely on foreign countries for things we can easily produce here.  When we rely on the import of goods we become dependent and that is not what makes us America.  We should be free to live and prosper in our capitalists' society.  We as Americans should only buy American made products, this creates more jobs, inspires new businesses and again makes us independent from foreign countries.

We are in the mist of a supply chain crisis that is only going to get worst. We could have fixed the problem but we are a little late on are response. If we had only been proactive in creating more products here but that's not the case.

How do we fix it?

Stop buying foreign products now, you will probably pay more for American made but in the long-run it will create more jobs, the price will eventually come down, and we can rid ourselves of this dependence on foreign countries.

Capitalism works only if we buy American.  

Buy local and buy often.

 Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay 


Friday, May 15, 2020


United We Stand 

As the country re-starts the economy. Now everybody has an opinion about the pandemic whether it's who to blame or this or that could have been accomplished differently, it does not matter. We need to unite just as we did in the first few weeks when everybody was at home and the streets were empty. We seemed to be united during that time because we in someway suffered together. 

The unemployment rate is the highest in years. We can all unite putting all political differences aside. Everyone needs to safely go out and buy goods and services in their local economy. This will jumpstart our cities bring the unemployment down and pumping dollars back for the rebuilding of America.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In the upcoming months what will it take to rebuild?

Once the businesses start to fully open, we will have to go out and support the businesses in our local economy. The support we give by spending our dollars in these businesses will open the opportunity for employees to come back to work, for vendors to start selling and delivering supplies. This action will have a ripple effect. Our time out spending will greatly affect our nation's economy. 

Next, I believe it is important to buy American, buy the products made in the USA and again the effect - employment opportunities and the economy grows in our own country. We should be able to support ourselves as a nation and not depend on another county for products that could easily be produced here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

History will Tell

After the pandemic, what will history tells about the event?

How will it be told in the history books? or the internet whichever one you prefer.

I think because this was a worldwide event it will be told from many different perspectives. 

Here are my thoughts:

The source of the virus I believe will be generally recognize as China as the central starting point. The control of containment, the blame will shift to the political leaders of each country and depending on how well they did will determine how long they will stay in office. The economic impact will be analyzed by the type of government, capitalism or socialism just to name a few. The cost will either be paid for by the people or not. And lastly, technology will have a big impact in how we leveraged the tech aspect of the pandemic. 

All of this will be studied for years to come. And I can't even imagine how many books and movies will be created from this event.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bounce Back

To continue from the last post…

Once this pandemic is over, I believe we will come back even stronger than before. But I also believe after a few months people will have forgotten what is was like to be social separated for each other.

So, on my first point, we will be stronger than before. This is having to do with business, new jobs will be created or at least transformed. The stay at home orders has created a new way of doing business.  A company could reduce their square footage of their office space because employees have successfully work at home. New software programs created to enable employees the conduct meetings more effectively online from home. Also, there is the whole aspect of home office products to be sold. 

My second point, society will soon forget what is was like to be completely separated for each other.  This happen during 9/11. The patriotism that was felt during that time was very uplifting but as the months and years past is diminished and became a memory of those who experienced. My hope is people will remember this event in history.

We will bounce back from this with many lessons learned.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Political Times

I'm not sure if it is because I'm getting older, but the political world lately, seems to be more involved with following the differences between liberal and conservatives. The times have changed so much that I believe the democrats from 25 years ago would not be getting along with some of their policies of today as it seems to be far left. And the conservatives in the same time frame are either close to the middle or the far right.

My point here is, no matter who is in office someone is not going to be happy. But when the core principles of what this country was founded upon are threatened that is when I get upset, because I have seen other countries, and their extreme forms of government. We need to pull together and move away from socialism.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Cost?

The day after Thanksgiving or as most know it as black Friday.

I really don't care for the sales and all the craziness that comes with the madness of the stores opening the doors and people fighting through the crowd to get to the best deals.

It is amazing how businesses can mark down a product 50% or 75% and still make a considerable profit. I often wonder how much a product really cost. What is the actual markup on these black Friday sale items?

Nevertheless, this is capitalism at its best. I hope that one day manufacturing will come back to the United States and consumers buying products today would actually create more jobs.  

So, the next time you are out looking for a sale check to see where it was made. When you buy a product made in another country think about it as taking someone's job.

Buy American.