Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Midterm

The top story on most news outlets is the midterm elections. In the past, these elections have had a low turnout of voters at the polls. But this year will be different.  As we will vote in our own states, it's important to note we need to also focus on the other states. Since the last election, the House and Senate have been almost evenly split. The Democrats won the House, and the Republicans won the Senate. The two Houses combined can pass legislation, but nothing will give because each party has a majority vote in each House. 

The midterm elections could change this according to who wins in both houses. If the Dems win both Houses, we can watch our rights and freedoms entirely voted out of the constitution. And if the Republicans win, we can be assured that those rights and freedoms stay in place. 

I believe what makes this election important is the preview of the outlandish legislation the Democrats have proposed in the last several years. The main reason the United States has been so successful is that we are a republic and capitalist country. No other country in the world is like us. We must vote to protect our great country and not let the liberals set into law their socialist policies that can never be changed. Because we are the last free country in the world. Fight for it by casting your vote. 

Photo: geralt - pixabay   

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