Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2023


What will the new year bring?

So many forecasters predicting what 2023 will bring to us.

But as I've said, they can say all they want, but no one knows. But some predictions are standard every year the financial markets, the weather, the Sun comes up and sets every evening, and the list goes on and on.

What will the first significant event be in 2023?

Friday, December 30, 2022


Predictions for 2023

It has yet to be determined what will transpire next year. Businesses use their budget forecast as a guild line to manage their finances.

Every year we all go through the thought process of what we want to happen in the new year, but ultimately there is no possible way of knowing. The outside influences in our lives always seem to change a well-thought-out plan. Now, making plans is fine, but long-term goals can always change.

A prime example of this was the year 2020. The outside influence of the virus changed the entire world and continued into the following year.
I know this is pessimistic but prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Hope for the best is more than just a pleasant thought; it is in true hope and graces from God that great things happen, and those well-thought-out plans are not entirely yours but the touch of God's hand in our everyday life. 

Going forward into 2023, hope and prayer are the real influences, as God is the ultimate predictor of the future.