Showing posts with label beginnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beginnings. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

An Adventurous Day

Is there ever an ordinary day?

As much as we might think there is no such thing as an ordinary day. I know we have our routines.  Monday through Friday, sit in traffic, go to work, come home, and go to bed; the whole routine starts the next day. We might even come to a point where we dread the next day.

The fact of the matter is that every day is extraordinary. When we look at each day as a new beginning, even if our life doesn't seem so. 

Here is a short story of a lesson learned from our cats. 

We have two cats, one orange cat named Rex and the other black cat named Jack. These two are completely opposite of each other in their personalities. Rex is the king cat. He is bigger and bolder in his personality. Jack, on the other hand, is laid-back and docile. The one thing they have in common is their routine. They go outside, looking for the next mouse to catch or the perfect spot to lie down to take that afternoon nap. And as evening falls, they wait patiently to come into the house for the evening meal and retire for the night until the next day.

Once the sun comes up, this is when the subtle difference between the two takes place. We will announce the call for the cats to go outside. And the first one at the door is Rex followed slowly by Jack. Our hand is on the doorknob, and Rex has his nose on the edge of the door, waiting impatiently for the door to open. The door is opened, and out goes Rex, looking for the next adventure, while Jack casually strolls out, looking like he would instead go back into the house but seems content with the sunshine and the possibility of the next nap.    

The lesson learned.

We all have to approach each day like Rex and know we will have those occasional days like Jack.  Every day is a new adventure. The uncertainty is always there, but it is a new day, and we must venture out and look for the good things in life. We are the product of our personalities, whether we are like Rex or Jack.

Look forward to your next adventurous day!