Showing posts with label regulations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label regulations. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Let us Decide!

Light bulbs, Water heaters, Pizza oven, and Jason Aldean.

What do all of these have in common? They are overly regulated or banned.

First, I realized that some items will be regulated by the federal government, mainly when it involves safety. But the four things mentioned above pertain to emission and what some consider the wrong message.

Let us decide.   

I don't believe the wood-burning pizza ovens in New York City will affect the world or, conservative lyrics will affect society. And the same goes for recently in the news of water heaters being regulated for the same reason as pizza ovens.

Let us decide!

As for Jason Alden, much as the music industry has a political agenda against anyone who has a conservative message in their lyrics. And to add a musician similar to Jason. Charlie Daniels has been composing songs with a conservative message like this for years.  There are far more progressive musicians spreading the socialist message without any controversy.  

Let us decide!

Stop regulating want we buy, and stop trying to shut down free speech.

Here are some songs with a conservative message; you decide.

Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video) - YouTube

The Charlie Daniels Band - Simple Man (Official Video) - YouTube

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

No Mask Required - my opinion

The recent judicial ruling on the mask requirement on transportation has been dropped, and when the news was received by those passengers in flight, there was a burst of celebration.  This was the last federal requirement for masks to be mandated on all public transportation. 

But as expected, the political progressives in D.C. did not like it. The Biden administration is expected to repel the decision. The longer this repel takes, and if the decision is reversed, I can't even imagine the protest that will take place.  Some might say if it is repealed, people will conform and give in to wearing masks again.  I say progressive and conservative, or "ordinary non-political" people, might agree to some common ground on this topic of no more mandates. I also realize there will be those who will wear a mask till the day they die, which is their choice.  

We all want this to be over. But I believe the political agenda of the elected progressives will try to force us back into the pandemic lockdowns again because without the control of mandates - they have no power to regulate us. 

photo -  Hatice EROL - pixabay     

Thursday, January 13, 2022



Time to get back to more political topics.

The vaccine mandate is now before the US Supreme Court.  The case presented before them is, can businesses with more than 100 employees be required by the the federal government to have their employees vaccinated or if not, unvaccinated employees to have weekly negative COVID test.

My response - less government in our life the better.  We should be in charge of our own health.  I realize the folks on the left will argue the mandate is for the protection of everybody, but where does this stop?  If this mandate passes, then what is next?  Will you be required to take a flu shot every year?  Our health is personal, it is our decision on how we manage our physical wellness.  The vaccine is not a one size fits all kind of shot.  Complications and reactions have already be reported.

This mandate is about control.  The more regulation - the more they can tell us what we have to do. And especially if it becomes law, then if we not comply - we are breaking the law. Just look at how crazy it is in Australia, the people there are not free and the sad part is most of them are okay with all the suppressive mandates and laws.

Keep America Free - No Mandates !  


 Photo credit: pixabay Tumisu