Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Definition: Tradition

From: Merriam-Webster

a : an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom)
b : a belief or story or a body of beliefs or stories relating to the past that are commonly accepted as historical though not verifiable
: the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction
: cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions
: characteristic manner, method, or style

My conservative view of the world I feel sometimes is under attack. Yes, I believe that something’s should hold true to their traditions. Organizations that have a history of customs and beliefs are losing their traditions that have been passed down over the years. My issue is why a small percentage of the American population forces their views on these traditional organizations. These traditions have been tested and prove to be timeless. But when conservatives (traditionalist) speak up and say no we are looked upon as not progressing, stuck in the past, or old-time. 
When will it stop?
The reason for my rant about this topic is we are headed down the wrong path. The progressive movement will gradually eliminate our long-standing American traditions. Moreover, as the progressive changes take place nothing will be left. As society will soon forget our time honored traditions and the progressive movement will change as often as the wind blows.    

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Should our age define our activities?

As I become older it seems my activities have changed. I'm still as active (I think) as I was in my younger days.

I am more observant of people older than myself. This gives me a possible view of what my activities might be later on in my advanced years. Now, I don't consider myself to be old, but it doesn't hurt to map out my later years.

I have observed people who are much older than I and could probably work and play longer than I could imagine. While others have become stagnate and are ready for the nursing home.

My belief is age is just a number. If you believe that someone should act their age than do so, but this is not what defines you. It is your attitude and how you see life. The drive that gets us out of bed every morning and having goals in life is the force that fights the number we call age.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


The Awareness Ribbon

While driving around town have you noticed all the different awareness ribbons (magnets) on cars?

I remember the first awareness ribbon – The Yellow Ribbon. The origins of the yellow ribbon started during the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979. During that time the song “Tie a Yellow Ribbon around the Old Oak Tree” was very popular. And later in 1991 during Desert Storm, the yellow ribbon made a come back.

The awareness ribbons of today come in a variety of colors and causes. It is to the point of being too commercialized and meaningless. Unless you have a ribbon that stands out among the hundreds of colors and causes, it probably will not be noticed, because we have become anesthetized to all the ribbons. I did some research on the yellow ribbon concept, it now represents 24 causes. So, how can we raise awareness for the cause of your choice?

I believe that when the awareness ribbons initially spread around the nation it was a way to show the public you supported a particular cause without the speeches. The ribbons have turned into a fashion statement - a piece of jewelry or a lapel pin. The ribbon has lost its meaning. Maybe we need to go back to having town hall meetings were people came together for a common cause and shared their opinions. We have forgotten what is to stand up for something you believe.

The next time, you are asked what is your cause?

Give them an explanation with heart felt passion, because awareness doesn’t come from a magnet on a car. It comes from within your belief to bring understanding to your message to the world.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How Can You Change the World?

I believe anyone can change the world. Your approach to the process will depend on your abilities, passion and resources.

Does it take money? Yes and No
I have worked in a non-profit environment and I have seen the struggles of funding. The impact of dollars can buy food, clothing and housing. Also, if most people are asked “what would they do if they won the lottery?’ somewhere in the list of things they would buy would be a donation to a charity. You can also change the world without money; simply by being kind to everyone you meet everyday.

Would you have to invent something? Yes
The fact that I have posted this blog entry on the internet through a computer is proof that invention can change the world. The discoveries in medicine, space exploration are just a few things that have change the world.

Can you change the world one person at a time? Yes
Absolutely and it does not cost any money and you do not have to be a rocket scientist. The simple act of kindness to everyone you meet, everyday can change the world.
Why? because it is contagious.

Does it take a leader to form a group with a mission? Yes
A leader can transform any group whether it is business, religious, political or volunteer. If you take a moment and think about all the leaders in the world, past and present, you will see that leadership can change the world.

Can one event in someone’s life change the world? Yes
My first thought, Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection changed the world.

Can you be anonymous and change the world? Maybe
I think it is possible, but in today’s world, unless you have complete secrecy, someone will find out.

Are There Other Ways You Can Change The World?