Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Is Politics Interwoven into Every Aspect of Our Life?

For the most part, it is for the obviously elected officials who are supposed to represent us as the first initial influence in daily life. They make decisions like raising or lowering taxes, which affect your income, and many decisions are voted on without our direct input of yes or no. Note: we should all practice voicing our opinions to elected officials whether they are heard or not. 

So, how does politics play a part in the rest of our lives? At one time, many years ago, the above statement was the standard view of politics.  But it has become apparent when selecting something as simple as watching the evening news. Specific channels are politically biased, and all their content is focused on an agenda. Let's take it even lower.  What about going to the grocery store?  Do we buy certain products based on the company that produced them and their political views?  I would say the majority of people don't. On the other hand, I believe many people buy products based on social media influencers.

And lastly, is politics involved in sports? If you are unsure, take a moment to watch the Super Bowl half-time show.  And specifically look for political statements and other connotations of social justice. 

Politics are everywhere. And with this being an election year, expect as the closer it gets to November to get prepared to be overwhelmed with opinions, progressive and conservative actors and musicians endorsing candidates, and businesses influencing customers to vote for a particular candidate. And sad but true, religious endorsements for their candidate of choice.

The bottom line is that this election year, depending on who is elected President of the United States, will significantly influence your life, whether you like it or not.

photo- pixabay - chayka1270   

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Business Divide

There was a day when you went to the grocery store or somewhere to buy a product and did not think about who made it.  You might have had some favorite brands but didn't know about the company outside of what they made.  And what I mean by that is what the principles of that company were.  Where was their product made? Where did they donate their money for a particular cause? What were their political views?

Today, our country is so divided that we can't agree on products, services, or even sports teams because of their views outside of what they produce.  This is important, but why can't businesses stay out of politics? I realize owners will have their views, but the point is to connect to all customers regardless of opinions on a particular cause. 

When companies draw the line and publicly announce where they stand. They have decided they only want to support and market to a particular group.  And that is fine with me.  I will not go into an establishment that does not want my dollars based on my political views.  I will support the businesses that share my views. 

Buy American!

Photo - pixabay - stevepb 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

My 2 Cents Worth

It has been a long time since I posted something about all the world's current wars.  Mainly Ukraine and Israel.  About a year ago, I gave my opinion about the war in Ukraine primarily because of my opinions about the tactics and strategies. But with the two current wars, much of the politics goes deeper than the general public hears. I don't have any inside information on this. It's just my opinion. 

Ukraine, the bottom line here, it's about the equipment, supplies, and money.  Once this war started, it seemed everyone was on board with supporting their efforts, but now the bottomless pit of draining the American dollars into the war efforts does not have an endpoint. It's time to stop the funding of this war. It is mainly because it is exhausting not only dollars from our economy but is now depleting our military supplies, making us more vulnerable.

Israel, the United States, has always been in support of this small country in the Middle East. It ties with the Judo-Christian values of America as the main focus, plus it's an excellent ally to have in that region. The countries surrounding Israel are not allies with the United States.  American involvement should be limited.  Israel was attacked, and it is their war.  They seem to be advancing and have the military strength to finish. 

The United States needs to stay out of any significant conflicts.  Our economy is in a shambles.  The politicians in Washington are fighting among themselves.  The citizens have been divided politically, and morality does not exist. 

God help us all.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

A Reality Check in Washington D.C.

Our lawmakers' mental and physical ability in Washington has reached a point where someone has to step up and make some decisions. If a House or Senate member is not physically or mentally capable of doing their job, they should leave the office.

If anyone in any occupation has moments of a mental freeze or has turned their decision-making ability over to a power of attorney. They would be asked to leave. We have heard the term career politician, but this doesn't mean a lifetime politician, meaning they are in office until they die.

Politicians, especially the ones in D.C., should be under term limits and be subject to evaluations if they show signs of any decline. These positions represent thousands of people in America, and they are passing laws that affect us.

If you live in a State and you question the capabilities of your representative, you should vote them out. Don't vote for them because they have always been in office; this hurts our nation. 

Make a reality check on who represents you!

Photo - pixabay - WOKANDAPIX

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Political Moves

 I live in a city where everyone from all over the United States seems to be moving here. I was born and raised in this city. Occasionally, when my wife and I are out and about, we will sometimes have conversations with people we meet, and it will come up in conversation. Where are you from? And our response is here. Their reply is no, where are you really from? And as we repeat ourselves, it seems hard to believe that they have actually met someone who is a native of the city. 

I live in a conservative state but live in a liberal city. The problem is that so many people are moving to the city from other states that it drives the people who have lived here all their lives to leave. 

I understand if you live in a state or city with political agendas against your values to move out. But this needs to be considered in political moves; if moving out to another town, one should assimilate into the culture of that area. Refrain from bringing the customs of your previous home state. So, why would one leave an area they hated and move to another only to create the same environment they just left. 

Stop this insanity. If you are from the North and move to the South, you should assimilate to the South's customs and values.

Photo - pixabay - mohamed_hassan

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

God will Prevail

Scanning the news stories this morning, I discovered this MSNBC interview about using God as an excuse.

Follow the Link

Everyone in this great country has the right to voice their opinion; with that said, here is mine.

The interview follows up on the recent events in the Tennesse state legislature, the expulsion of members of the State House, and the difference in opinions about right and wrong. The video clearly expresses the extreme progressive left criticizing the words and actions of the members of the super-majority-led conservative party in the State House.  These representatives are relaying the voices of their constituents, who are God-fearing people and believe the laws of God should be followed in all matters of life with no exceptions. God did not give us rules to live by just so we could pick and choose the ones we agree with and disregard the ones we don't. 

God knows what is best for us. God created the universe, so I trust God knows what He is doing. No one is perfect. We have to do our best every day to make the right decisions. But the MSN video completely disregards the Truth of God; they are choosing to criticize what conservatives see as a way of life and twisting the words of the Bible to fit their narrative. 

God's Word in the Bible was given to us to follow to the end of times. It does not change according to which way the political and cultural winds are blowing. No exception. God knows what is best for us because He loves us.  There is no place for racism, prejudice, or any other hatred. But with that said we must not give in to the progressive ideology that all things Christian are evil. Christians for over 2,000 years have been defending their faith, and it will not be stopped by whatever is trending on the day's news. God will prevail. 

Photo - pixabay - bpcraddock 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Keep it Simple

Why does politics have to be a component of every decision we make?

This applies to almost everything we hear in the news.  Within businesses, we see this when large corporations compete with other companies; someone is always trying to make a deal with a politician to gain some advantage over their competitors. I don't believe this applies to lower-level office departments, but to some degree, the "office politics" is in progress daily. The entertainment industry has a load of political actors who use their popularity to manipulate fans. And, of course, the sports industry, like the entertainment industry, has its fair share of opinions.

My opinion is to take the politics out, and I know that is impossible, but why can't marketing, businesses, sports, and entertainment eliminate the political aspect. We already have enough problems, so why add to the stress. Keep everything simple; everything does not have to have a political agenda.

Photo - pixabay - flockine               

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Concealed Truth

Why does the truth have to be concealed?

Who has the absolute authority to conceal it? 

Why does anyone have that much power?

There are a lot of questions here.

The battle continues for the truth about what happened on January 6th.

The number of people involved on the day is in the thousands. I'm sure a majority of those there expressing their right to free speech and assembly are innocent of any wrongdoing. But with that said, there are also those (progressives) who took advantage of this conservative movement and exploited a situation into an absolute conspiracy, and the January 6th committee took full advantage of their access to videos and carefully edited and selected videos to convince the public that those in the conservative party where the enemy. But now we discover the real truth; the democrats withheld information and manipulated the videos. 

Another investigation will take place and the truth will be known, but time will tell as the battle continues.

Photo - pixabay - OpenClipart-Vectors

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Found Documents

What is up with this?

Finding secret documents.

I understand the importance and concern of secret documents being in an unsecured location. 

Did this all of a sudden become the hobby of collecting for elected officials?

This has probably been going on since the founding of the United States. If former politicians took a souvenir series of documents, I would bet they are going through their occupied places and destroying papers as I write this post. And if that is the case, and the DOJ discovers they had documents and destroyed them, this would be a whole new controversy. 

What about those responsible for securing and controlling the secret documents? Where is the chain of custody?

This will grow bigger and involve more people over the next few months. 

Photo: pixabay - TheDigitalArtist

Friday, January 13, 2023

Mr. Smith the Politician

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a 1939 film directed by Frank Capra. The main characters, Jimmy Stewart (Mr. Smith), Jean Arthur (Saunders), and Claude Rains (Sen. Joseph Paine), are the main characters.

It's one of my favorite movies. The story goes as Mr. Smith is elected as Senator and goes to Washington with a great sense of doing some good for a country he loves. He discovers early the deep corruption of the senior politicians who try to oust Mr. Smith because he is not going according to the rules of corruption within the political world. But he resists and continues to fight for the truth and the duties of his position. And with persistence, he prevails and becomes a model Senator.

Politics, especially at the higher levels in Washington DC, have a certain amount of corruption, and I'm sure there are a few "Mr. Smiths" in the office today, or at least I would like to believe. Politicians should represent the people who elect them, but that does not necessarily reflect everyone because some didn't vote for the elected. But the majority rules, and if you live in a district where your representatives do not reflect your values, you should move to another city or state. In America, we can elect those who best represent our values.   

Monday, January 2, 2023

Who will be the next Speaker of the House?

The House is now under the political control of the Republicans. But it is undecided who will be the next speaker. So, at this point, I'm going to be critical of the conservatives. They have had plenty of time to debate this among themselves. I know politicians have always been about power and control, which goes for any political party. 

But, come on! You would think after all the years of the Pelosi dynasty. The republicans could easily have someone in mind to clearly take control as Speaker of the House. I can see from most news reports that the agenda of what needs to be done is somewhat agreed on by most congressional republicans.

What is the big delay? The longer this goes on, the more division within the Republican Party will add to the democrats being critical of conservatives.

Photo: pixabay - TheDigitalArtist

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Change is coming

The conservatives have taken control of congress, lookout progressives, and the wave of investigations is coming. First on the agenda is securing the border. Who would have thought this to ever be an issue, but the last few years of a completely open border have created an invasion never seen in the United States. I can only hope that a republican congress can reverse or at least stop and ultimately close the southern US border.  I'm not sure it can be done without the signature of Biden, but at least it should get the attention of the general public which has been somewhat censored. The media and the white house press have controlled the narrative and downplayed the real problem.  I believe the progressive media outlets will at least cover the press releases from congress, critique the conservative opinions, and maybe change the minds of some liberals. 

photo: pixabay   

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Overflowing Politics

 The news is overflowing with politics.

  • The midterm election results are still being counted.
  • Donald Trump announces that he will run for president in 2024.

  • Kevin McCarthy is elected by the GOP as the next Speaker of the House.

  • Ron DeSantis overwhelmingly wins re-election as Governor of Florida. 
  • Joe Biden goes to China.
  • John Fetterman was surprisingly elected as Pennsylvania Senator.
I'm sure I will have some comments about one or more of the above headlines in the upcoming days. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Practice of Christianity

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. It is the world's largest religion, with about 2.8 billion followers, representing one-third of the global population.[1][2] Its adherents, known as Christians, are estimated to make up a majority of the people in 157 countries and territories,[3] and believe that Jesus is the Son of God, whose coming as the messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament in Christianity) and chronicled in the New Testament.[4]

 The four largest branches of Christianity are the Catholic Church (1.3 billion/50.1%), Protestantism (920 million/36.7%), the Eastern Orthodox Church (230 million), and the Oriental Orthodox churches (62 million) (Orthodox churches combined at 11.9%),[13][14] though thousands of smaller church communities exist despite efforts toward unity (ecumenism).[15] Despite a decline in adherence in the West, Christianity remains the dominant religion in the region, with about 70% of that population identifying as Christian.[16] Christianity is growing in Africa and Asia, the world's most populous continents.[17] Christians remain persecuted in some regions of the world, especially in the Middle East, North Africa, East Asia, and South Asia.[18][19

Christianity. (2022, September 18). In Wikipedia.

I went with a generic and very plain and simple definition from Wikipedia. 

Christians cannot be ignored. They should have a significant voice in politics and in society. But there is a movement worldwide to silence the 2.8 billion people that believe in Jesus Christ. In the United States, those who believe in the separation of church and state believe the meaning of this term is to keep religion out of the government, but the opposite is the true definition. It's to keep the government out of religion.  Which gives us the right to preach, worship, and pray on public property.  Sometimes this works out well, and other times is meant with resistance. In the United States, we have the freedom of religion and should consistently demonstrate in public whenever possible.

Here is an example of faith in practice on public property:

The Men’s Rosary Rally, started and organized by Jeff Coleman, a regular attendee of St. Marth Catholic Church in Ashland City, meets the first Saturday of every month at 1 p.m. at the Legislative Plaza.

Jeff Coleman - the organizer, says: 
“It’s to get people to renew their vows, if you will, renew their faith, and renew their trust in the Lord. It didn’t seem like we had it. It seemed like it was being lost,” he said. “With all the things going on (in society), it seemed like the Catholic faith was being lost to the secular world and everybody forgot about the spiritual world, and I wanted to bring the spirituality back, and I wanted to bring men back to say, ‘Hey, stand up and be a man. You’re the head of the house; you’re the head of everything. You need to stand up and be proud that you’re a guy and not let the secular world attack you.’”

Read the full story here.

Men’s Rosary Rally meets monthly at Legislative Plaza - Tennessee Register

This is how we practice our freedom of religion, and the government cannot take that away. 


Friday, September 2, 2022

The Divided Country


The picture demonstrates the anger in the Democrat Party about the Republicans or the MAGA Republicans, as Biden said in last night's speech.

His speech clearly divided the country; if there was any chance of uniting us, this definitely ended all means of us coming together. I realize there have always been differences, but this goes way beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime.  He spoke last night about the MAGA Republicans, about 75,000,000 people, and how they were against the Rule of Law and the US Constitution. I think the main issue that is so disturbing is the spin he put on everything he said, and the sad part is that the media will expand on his speech and spread even more lies. The MAGA Republicans are the true patriots, believers in the values to which this country was born. The Republicans are not a threat to America.

The real threat to America is Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

Make America Great Again

Monday, August 29, 2022

We Must Take Back Our Country

Have the citizens of the United States become complacent about decisions made by the federal government on their behalf?

Why does it seem that our elected officials are implementing their own opinions about laws that govern the people who put them in office?

I realize some decisions are made on our behalf because it is a matter of ongoing day-to-day business that all political parties can agree on.

Lately, laws like the Inflation Reduction Act are being introduced and passed without any voice. 

Highlighted below are the points that have nothing to do with inflation or reduction.  This is where politicians will insert their personal opinion on how the federal government should spend our money.

From Wikipedia:


The Build Back Better Plan was a legislative framework proposed by United States President Joe Biden between 2020 and 2021. Generally viewed as ambitious in size and scope, it sought to make the largest nationwide public investments in social, infrastructural, and environmental programs since the 1930s Great Depression-fighting policies of the New Deal.[7]

The plan was divided into three parts: one of them, The American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief spending bill, was signed into law in March 2021.[8] The other two parts were reworked into different bills over the course of extensive negotiations within and among Congressional entities. The American Jobs Plan (AJP) was a proposal to address long-neglected infrastructure needs and reduce America's contributions to climate change's destructive effects;[9] the American Families Plan (AFP) was a proposal to fund a variety of social policy initiatives, some of which (e.g. paid family leave) had never before been enacted nationally in the U.S.[10]

The Build Back Better Act was a bill introduced in the 117th Congress to fulfill aspects of the Build Back Better Plan. It was spun off from the American Jobs Plan, alongside the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as a $3.5 trillion Democratic reconciliation package that included provisions related to climate change and social policy. Following negotiations, the price was lowered to approximately $2.2 trillion. The bill was passed 220–213 by the House of Representatives on November 19, 2021.

In December 2021, amidst of negotiations and parliamentary procedures, Senator Joe Manchin publicly pulled his support from the bill for not matching his envisioned cost of about $1.75 trillion[citation needed], then subsequently retracted support for his own compromise legislation. This effectively killed the bill as it needs 50 senators to pass via reconciliation, and all 50 Republican senators opposed it. Continued negotiations between Manchin and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer over the course of months eventually resulted in the $737 billion Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.[11]

The sudden deal on the Inflation Reduction Act, which was negotiated in secret and announced on July 27, 2022, was widely regarded as a 'shocker' as Democrats had voiced that there was little hope for a revival of many of their priorities in addition to Manchin himself being rather pessimistic on the prospect in public.[12]

As the revised bill made its way through the chambers of Congress, the new reality of Biden unexpectedly having a clear path to enacting substantial portions of his domestic agenda into law led to a wide reevaluation of the success of the Biden presidency thus far and is expected to give the President and his party a boost while campaigning for the upcoming 2022 Midterm elections.[13][14][15]

This is just one example of what goes on behind closed doors that directly affect us as taxpayers.

We must take back our country!

Photo: Prettysleepy - Pixabay






Friday, July 29, 2022

Politics and Religion

 What does this say about how we interact with each other?

Most people say, " I won't talk about politics or religion" Well, it seems that politics is an essential part of deciding on new friends, yet no one wants to talk about it. Politics should be an open and civil conversation.  Most would say they would not speak because they are afraid of an argument about trying to convince others of their opinions. Discussions on politics should be openly discussed with the exception, not without the consent of the other to talk about it. If individuals are willing and open, I believe it should take place.

As for religion, this is a tricking one because estimates are about 10,000 religions in the world.  This is difficult because one would need some common knowledge of all faiths. I think it should be discussed but with limits; if there are some common values, it's good. One would need to understand some general aspects to have a reasonable discussion. But, as I said about political debates if both are willing to engage, go for it.

Music and entertainment are not essential factors in deciding on friends.

Disclaimer: I do not endorse NBC News or any other progressive media. But there is a need to know what the other side is discussing. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Bookstore Current Affairs


This is the Current Affairs section at Barns & Noble's bookstore. If this is any indication of the direction of our country, we are in trouble. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Supreme Court Nominee

 The last day for hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson has clearly demonstrated how political this whole process has become in the last several years.  The Dems are set to confirm her as the next Justice on the Supreme Court.  They have not criticized her at all. But the last three Justices, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch were questioned so much to the point of almost classifying them as criminals. And to be fair, the conservatives have done their part in questioning her ability to do the job.

I think these positions should be elected positions because they represent America in the interpretation of the Constitution.  Judges in the lower court systems are typically elected. 

Why not have the highest court in our country be elected by the people?   

Friday, March 18, 2022

A Chess Game

The leaders of the world's largest nations are playing a chess game as everyone watches the events in Ukraine.

Russia is wondering where to make their next attack. 

China is thinking which the is best nation to become allies with them.

United States is trying to only give assistance to Ukraine but not really get involved.

North Korea is just waiting to see who wins and then join team.

Iran is just waiting from someone to make them a nuclear deal.