Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Business Divide

There was a day when you went to the grocery store or somewhere to buy a product and did not think about who made it.  You might have had some favorite brands but didn't know about the company outside of what they made.  And what I mean by that is what the principles of that company were.  Where was their product made? Where did they donate their money for a particular cause? What were their political views?

Today, our country is so divided that we can't agree on products, services, or even sports teams because of their views outside of what they produce.  This is important, but why can't businesses stay out of politics? I realize owners will have their views, but the point is to connect to all customers regardless of opinions on a particular cause. 

When companies draw the line and publicly announce where they stand. They have decided they only want to support and market to a particular group.  And that is fine with me.  I will not go into an establishment that does not want my dollars based on my political views.  I will support the businesses that share my views. 

Buy American!

Photo - pixabay - stevepb 

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