Thursday, January 18, 2024

Southern Snow

Most of the country has experienced some harsh weather in the last week. Depending on your area, you were stranded or functioning as you would typically do during this time of year, and with that said, I have defined the North and the South.  I live in a Southern city where winter storms are rare. We have some snow removal equipment, but unlike our neighbors to the north, snow removal in the South is not a high priority. 

Are there advantages to not having the streets clear of snow?

For a long time, the culture in the South has been easygoing.  We traditionally have always been the not-in-a-hurry region of the United States. But as more and more people find this way of life attractive, they move here, which is fine, but don't expect to live like you used to. 

The advantages to a winter storm as a Southerner would see it. Once the prediction of snow is in the forecast, the first and immediate priority is the rush to the grocery store. We must stock the essential items for survival. Items like bread, milk, and eggs, and the top items on the list to sustain life are snacks of all kinds. Next on the list of priorities, contact your employer to ensure the business is shut down during the disaster. Once the preparedness checklist is complete. We focus on the on the next agenda. What is on TV? What series will we binge-watch?

I say this with a bit of humor. But, Southerners have, for the most part, taken life in general slow and easy. If you move to the South, you might discover a new way of living as the Southerners do; you might like it.

Photo - pixabay - PublicDomainPictures


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