Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


November is the month to honor Veterans. 

Most would think November is the month of Thanksgiving or the pre-Christmas month. But I see it as the month for veterans because, without the veterans, we would not have all those freedoms we experience throughout the year.  People take for granted and not really thinking about those who served in our military to protect our country's freedoms. My wife and I always make time for our local Veterans Day parade.  We had experienced times when just a few people came to the parade. It was a sad experience seeing World War II vets walking in the parade waving at the small gathering of groups of supporters on the sidewalk. These guys put their life on the line for us and were willing to take the possibility of dying for our country. The sidewalks should have overflowed with people waving back at them and expressing gratitude.  

Why has our country come to the point of going overboard, celebrating every ethnic and LGBTQ group throughout the year? And barely giving any notice to the US Veteran. The patriotism for our country and those who serve it has disappeared. And those of us who have served and known the sacrifices our military makes every hour of every day can't express how grateful we are to the heroes of the past and present. 

I hope more people will come to local Veterans Day celebrations this year. 

Thank a Veteran!

Photo: BrianPenny - pixabay

Monday, July 11, 2022

July Christmas


This past weekend I went to Hobby Lobby with my wife; there was not much for me to look at, but this caught my attention.

It's July, and Christmas is in December. People will prepare 6 months before December the 25th, and on the 26th, all the decorations are boxed and stored away. The month of December is Advent - the preparation for Christ's birth, a time of deep reflection. The 26th is the first day of Christmas, not the 1st of July. The 12 days of Christmas are the days after the 25th. 

I will usually go on this rant every July.  Let's keep the holidays within their respective months.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Federal Drug Paraphernalia Give-Away Program

 I try to keep up with current affairs, and yesterday I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone when I read the announcement about the Federal government giving out crack pipes.  

How crazy is this;

"The Health and Human Services (HHS) Department is rolling out a $30 million grant program that will fund the distribution of items, like crack pipes, for smoking illicit substances, according to a new report"  (Fox News)

And a quote from the progressives;

"The Biden administration will provide grant funding to pay for the distribution of safe smoking kits as part of efforts to reduce harm from substance abuse over the next three years." 

and continues,

"The purpose of the program is to support community-based overdose prevention programs, syringe services programs, and other harm reduction services, the document said." (Newsweek)

This is insane; a program to prevent harmful drug abuse promotes drug use, and it's endorsed by the highest federal department for health in the United States. 

When is this madness going to stop? 

Monday, October 18, 2021

The City

 I have always lived in the suburbs of the city of Nashville TN. I remember the days when it was considered a small town with only one skyscraper and for many years it stayed the same.  Sometime in the mid 80's it began to transform into the major city that it is today.

So, why the post about the city?

The grow of Nashville almost seems to be out of control. Construction of new business buildings as well as apartments and condos are almost monthly and along with all of this brings people. 

Nashville in the early years before has always been a nice place to visit with southern hospitality as the main greeting. But as more people move here from larger cities they bring their culture and customs with them and try to change Nashville to conform to their pervious hometown.

But, that's is not the way it works. If people are moving here they should learn the Nashville way. There is no possible way for the city to conform to whatever city one might come from because its to many people.  At one time, 100 people were moving to Nashville on a daily basis.  I know there is no way to stop this its just my opinion.

Image by Garrett Hill from Pixabay       

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Disguised Politicians


The definition of disguised - to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity.

The two parts of this definition are applied to what is going on in our nation right now, the false appearance and assumed identity. In this blog entry it is the false representation.

The movement to fundamentally change the United States under the disguise of what appears to be the normal process of change, either politically, economically, racially, or geographically. 

First, politically, some members of Congress and Senate give the appearance of being the great Americans who echo is the voices of the people they represent and that might be the case in certain areas of the country. But those constituents who follow the disguised politician are basically going along with their representatives who are telling them what is right for them and the country. This is dangerous, because if people are just following along with whatever their representatives say it takes away one of our rights and that is they (the politicians) do what we say and not them telling us. They are our voice and represent us and not them representing their agenda.

Second, economically, in the words of James Otis "Taxation without Representation is tyranny". Again, we go back to representation of the people. How can one person say we need to tax the rich? Who are the rich?  Where is the line between the rich and everybody else? These questions are not to be decided by one person.  I believe when such legislation comes up, we should vote, plain and simple. I realize a referendum to vote on a matter of taxes must go thru a lengthy process, but we would have that voice. Another point is if we heavily tax the rich and most of them are business owners they will pass that expense on the consumer, so in essence, the non-rich will end up paying the tax on products and services of the rich.

Third, racially, race has always been a divider not just in this country but all over the world. How does race divide us? Why are we being told at a national level of large groups of people being classified as racist? Again, this goes back to the disguise of our representatives because people will just go along with whatever they say and believe it. Prejudice is the most common form of racism, when a person judges an entire group on based on their race. I believe the United States is a representation of Americans, not a particular color, race, sex, or any other category.  We are Americans - We are One Nation under God, and as God sees us, it is not by the color of our skin. But we have politicians saying we are a racist country. This is not true. But that is not to say they do not exist. We must fight back against racism because we are Americans. 

Fourth, geographically, these are the States and counties across the United States. This is the real heart of the matter. We see every day certain States and counties are either a blue (progressive) or a red (conservative). The Governors and the county representatives fall into the same category as those in Washington D.C. All of this is about the people being represented by elected officials. Now, depending on which party you fall into, progressive or conservatives or independents (the undecided) they will elect who they feel best represents them. The regions of our nation should be the voice to the President and that person again represents us.

My bottom line is until we can all come to somewhat agree on issues which will never be the case. The disguised politicians should stop saying most of the American people agree with whatever legislation, laws etc... because most of the conservatives do not agree with the socialist progressives. If you have been reading any part of this blog, you will know I am conservative.  The narrative that is in most of the media today is wrong and does not represent how I think.  In the past, the political parties would usually come to a compromise on the issues but now it is all one sided. And that side is disguised as an American representation of the people and what they are hiding is the transformation of this country to socialism. 

Rise Conservatives!! 

Let your voice be heard and known to others who are following the socialist's agenda blindly. Speak the truth, question them on their beliefs, educate them on the real facts. Debate is a good practice, and always be respectful. 

Exercise your right to the freedom of speech.


Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay 


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Cancel Culture

 It is unbelievable how our society has changed so much in the last year almost to the point I don't feel like I live in the United States.

I understand that change is inevitable but somethings should remain constant, like the Boy Scouts should be for boys and not girls and girls sports should be for girls to compete against one another and not have to compete against boys who think they are girls. I heard about a soap product that had the word "normal" on their packaging, well someone was offended by the word normal and now they will remove it from their advertising. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

Election Time

 In 36 days we will have an election for President.  This I believe will be the most important election in my lifetime. So, just a small rant about a statement that some people will make when asked who are they are voting for and why.  They will say "I'm voting for the man" (or woman).  What these people are not realizing is that person represents a party - democrat or republican.  Those parties represent a set of values and principles they follow. But if you ask any question to the folks that vote for the person about what they represent, they could not tell you. It just amazes me that there are people who vote this way.  

Sunday, May 17, 2020

To Stay or Not to Stay

To stay or not to stay that is the question

As our country's economic heart starts to beat again which means more people are going out to spend their dollars. 

Do we stay at home? Thinking this is not over, the virus is still here. 


Do we leave and go about a somewhat normal way of how we did things?

So, here my rant about this - I live in Nashville and the county is still under a semi stay at home order. The few businesses that have opened are only accepting a few customers. Meanwhile, all the surrounding counties have opened. If I wanted anything that was not offered in Nashville I could drive to another county and get it and return to home.

How does this protect the citizens of Davidson County?

It doesn't because I could assure there are plenty Nashville folks going to other counties. It will be interesting to see what history tells us about the mistakes.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Their Way

Just a bit of a rant about opinions. I have a few as most people do and usually when opinions are expressed it is because one person is trying to convince another to lean their way, and that is the way it works. But when people just accept a particular opinion without reasoning and accepting of a view just because someone said so, is crazy. Opinions should take in consideration the source - whose opinion is it? - have they been reliable in the past? - are their opinions respected? - or can they be trusted?

How can someone just read or hear an opinion in the media and accept as the absolute truth?

Opinions have to be evaluated by yourself - is it right or wrong? - good or evil?

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Keep Christ in Christmas

Every year during the Christmas season I will usually rant about the purchase of gifts and the absence of Christ. Society has focused to much on buying gifts. The Black Friday sales have turned the shopping malls into a mad chase for the best deals and the sometimes there is a lack of christian charity towards one another. Christmas is about the birth of Christ and not how many presents someone has under the Christmas tree. I will say one positive thing, is people will go to church during this time and hopefully continue go throughout the year.

Please Keep Christ in Christmas  

Monday, December 30, 2013

Year End - part 1

As the year comes to a close I reflect back and one of the biggest changes - the United States - politically

In some of my rants about the Obama administration I have deep concerns about the direction and policies of this country. I realize that it took half of the citizens to re-elect him into office, but I think some of those people are regretting their vote.

Time will tell. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Just a short rant about health care

Watching the local news this morning about the thousands of people being laid-off at a local hospital because of Obamacare. The reason is those employees were part of an overall process of work pertaining to uninsured patients. The state government will not fund the uninsured and has decided to let the federal government pick-up the cost.

So, now we have thousands of people unemployed looking for jobs that will probably have to sign up for Obamacare and pay a higher rate than before.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What's the Purpose?

I've been hearing in the news about college football players receiving money or special favors for playing on the team.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't college about getting an education and not about how much money you make while on the team.

In some conversations, some people believe the players should get paid. They are students, not employees.