Monday, June 28, 2021

The Disguised Politicians


The definition of disguised - to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity.

The two parts of this definition are applied to what is going on in our nation right now, the false appearance and assumed identity. In this blog entry it is the false representation.

The movement to fundamentally change the United States under the disguise of what appears to be the normal process of change, either politically, economically, racially, or geographically. 

First, politically, some members of Congress and Senate give the appearance of being the great Americans who echo is the voices of the people they represent and that might be the case in certain areas of the country. But those constituents who follow the disguised politician are basically going along with their representatives who are telling them what is right for them and the country. This is dangerous, because if people are just following along with whatever their representatives say it takes away one of our rights and that is they (the politicians) do what we say and not them telling us. They are our voice and represent us and not them representing their agenda.

Second, economically, in the words of James Otis "Taxation without Representation is tyranny". Again, we go back to representation of the people. How can one person say we need to tax the rich? Who are the rich?  Where is the line between the rich and everybody else? These questions are not to be decided by one person.  I believe when such legislation comes up, we should vote, plain and simple. I realize a referendum to vote on a matter of taxes must go thru a lengthy process, but we would have that voice. Another point is if we heavily tax the rich and most of them are business owners they will pass that expense on the consumer, so in essence, the non-rich will end up paying the tax on products and services of the rich.

Third, racially, race has always been a divider not just in this country but all over the world. How does race divide us? Why are we being told at a national level of large groups of people being classified as racist? Again, this goes back to the disguise of our representatives because people will just go along with whatever they say and believe it. Prejudice is the most common form of racism, when a person judges an entire group on based on their race. I believe the United States is a representation of Americans, not a particular color, race, sex, or any other category.  We are Americans - We are One Nation under God, and as God sees us, it is not by the color of our skin. But we have politicians saying we are a racist country. This is not true. But that is not to say they do not exist. We must fight back against racism because we are Americans. 

Fourth, geographically, these are the States and counties across the United States. This is the real heart of the matter. We see every day certain States and counties are either a blue (progressive) or a red (conservative). The Governors and the county representatives fall into the same category as those in Washington D.C. All of this is about the people being represented by elected officials. Now, depending on which party you fall into, progressive or conservatives or independents (the undecided) they will elect who they feel best represents them. The regions of our nation should be the voice to the President and that person again represents us.

My bottom line is until we can all come to somewhat agree on issues which will never be the case. The disguised politicians should stop saying most of the American people agree with whatever legislation, laws etc... because most of the conservatives do not agree with the socialist progressives. If you have been reading any part of this blog, you will know I am conservative.  The narrative that is in most of the media today is wrong and does not represent how I think.  In the past, the political parties would usually come to a compromise on the issues but now it is all one sided. And that side is disguised as an American representation of the people and what they are hiding is the transformation of this country to socialism. 

Rise Conservatives!! 

Let your voice be heard and known to others who are following the socialist's agenda blindly. Speak the truth, question them on their beliefs, educate them on the real facts. Debate is a good practice, and always be respectful. 

Exercise your right to the freedom of speech.


Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay 


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