Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 The fact that Americans get to choose the leaders of our country is what makes the United States great.

But, nowadays, the voting system seems to be inadequate. The voting machines are questionable after this last election. The mail in ballots seem to also be questionable. And the progressive want to eliminate voter identification and that is just crazy.

  Why? 🤯

you have to have ID for just about anything that's official and voting is one of the most important duties we have as citizens.

I understand technology is always changing the way we do things but we must have voter integrity, because if we don't it just sets us up for all kinds of voter fraud.  I realize nothing is absolutely perfect and corruption free, but by all means possible our elections must be a true representation the of the people. 

Contact your local, state and federal elected officials and tell to keep voter identification a requirement.    

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