Showing posts with label Speaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speaker. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2023

Who will be the next Speaker of the House?

The House is now under the political control of the Republicans. But it is undecided who will be the next speaker. So, at this point, I'm going to be critical of the conservatives. They have had plenty of time to debate this among themselves. I know politicians have always been about power and control, which goes for any political party. 

But, come on! You would think after all the years of the Pelosi dynasty. The republicans could easily have someone in mind to clearly take control as Speaker of the House. I can see from most news reports that the agenda of what needs to be done is somewhat agreed on by most congressional republicans.

What is the big delay? The longer this goes on, the more division within the Republican Party will add to the democrats being critical of conservatives.

Photo: pixabay - TheDigitalArtist