Showing posts with label opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinions. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Opinion - Speech Rallies

As we approach the spring and summer months, more and more people will need to express their right to free speech, either from the progressive or conservative view. Which is the right of every U.S. citizen to do. And we equally have the right to disagree with the opinions of speech made in public. My issue is when speeches turn into rallies, rallies turn into marches, and marches turn into blocking the roads. The initial speech has infringed on my right to legally travel where I want to go.  But when law enforcement gets involved in breaking up the roadblocks, it turns into the suppression of free speech. No one has the right to block roads unless a parade permit is issued. This is not free speech. It is harassment to the general public. 

Just my opinion, and mark this as a notice it's coming.

Photo - pixabay - OpenClipart-Vectors  

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Is Politics Interwoven into Every Aspect of Our Life?

For the most part, it is for the obviously elected officials who are supposed to represent us as the first initial influence in daily life. They make decisions like raising or lowering taxes, which affect your income, and many decisions are voted on without our direct input of yes or no. Note: we should all practice voicing our opinions to elected officials whether they are heard or not. 

So, how does politics play a part in the rest of our lives? At one time, many years ago, the above statement was the standard view of politics.  But it has become apparent when selecting something as simple as watching the evening news. Specific channels are politically biased, and all their content is focused on an agenda. Let's take it even lower.  What about going to the grocery store?  Do we buy certain products based on the company that produced them and their political views?  I would say the majority of people don't. On the other hand, I believe many people buy products based on social media influencers.

And lastly, is politics involved in sports? If you are unsure, take a moment to watch the Super Bowl half-time show.  And specifically look for political statements and other connotations of social justice. 

Politics are everywhere. And with this being an election year, expect as the closer it gets to November to get prepared to be overwhelmed with opinions, progressive and conservative actors and musicians endorsing candidates, and businesses influencing customers to vote for a particular candidate. And sad but true, religious endorsements for their candidate of choice.

The bottom line is that this election year, depending on who is elected President of the United States, will significantly influence your life, whether you like it or not.

photo- pixabay - chayka1270   

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

98.6% of Americans Agree


In a recent survey of Americans, they believe __________

This is where you fill in the blank.  The news media controls what you think based on surveys. However, they do not emphasize only 100 people of probably like-minded individuals of the same political party with a +/- degree of error.  

Is this a fair assessment of how the American people think?

As of 2021, there were 331 million people in the United States.

100 people surveyed do not determine the general opinions of millions of Americans. 

We often see surveys telling us we are either in the majority or minority, but this is not the reality.  Decisions are being made at a corporate and government level to manipulate what you should believe, and that propaganda is destroying America.  

Wake up, America. Think for yourself. Do not let someone else tell you how to think or what you should believe.

Photo - pixabay - Mohamed_hassan


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

My 2 Cents Worth

It has been a long time since I posted something about all the world's current wars.  Mainly Ukraine and Israel.  About a year ago, I gave my opinion about the war in Ukraine primarily because of my opinions about the tactics and strategies. But with the two current wars, much of the politics goes deeper than the general public hears. I don't have any inside information on this. It's just my opinion. 

Ukraine, the bottom line here, it's about the equipment, supplies, and money.  Once this war started, it seemed everyone was on board with supporting their efforts, but now the bottomless pit of draining the American dollars into the war efforts does not have an endpoint. It's time to stop the funding of this war. It is mainly because it is exhausting not only dollars from our economy but is now depleting our military supplies, making us more vulnerable.

Israel, the United States, has always been in support of this small country in the Middle East. It ties with the Judo-Christian values of America as the main focus, plus it's an excellent ally to have in that region. The countries surrounding Israel are not allies with the United States.  American involvement should be limited.  Israel was attacked, and it is their war.  They seem to be advancing and have the military strength to finish. 

The United States needs to stay out of any significant conflicts.  Our economy is in a shambles.  The politicians in Washington are fighting among themselves.  The citizens have been divided politically, and morality does not exist. 

God help us all.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Soylent Green - FilmFriday

This post is not necessarily a movie review but an opinion about the message within the film.

The movie was interesting, made in 1973, about the year 2022. Some notable actors are Charlton Heston, Edward G. Robinson, and Chuck Connors, to just name a few. The acting and cinematography were typical for that year.

As I watched the film, I thought more about how easily the government, once it has complete control over the citizens, would seem almost impossible to regain control of the freedom one once had.

Without giving any spoilers about the film, I recommend watching it, and depending on where you live, try putting yourself in the events that transpire in the movie.

Could your government do this to your county?

How would you survive each and every day?

Could you fight back and regain the freedom you once knew?


Friday, January 27, 2023

Questionable Authority

Before making a post for the day, I'll scan various news headlines for a story I'll have an opinion about. During the search, I have to filter the extreme opinion news articles. I look through all the news media hype, trying to grab my attention. Because we all know how easy it is to be influenced by what we see on any day of the week on the news.

Today there are a few articles about police authority and their actions. I'm not here to question or to give specific opinions about any incident involving the use of police authority, but if video evidence captures a particular event and is complete from beginning to end, I believe it is right to question the actions of those involved from both sides, and that is just at a surface level, it will take attorneys, juries and many court trails to come to a final conclusion. But in the meantime, this will spark a spontaneous reaction from the general public, causing protests and rioting, which causes more police involvement in dealing with potentially hostile environments. Creating a cycle of violence. 

My point is there will always be questionable incidents with those who are law enforcement, and it is right to do so. Justice must be served, and this applies to those in law enforcement and those arrested. And because of a few officers' actions, we should not apply those actions to the whole law enforcement occupation. 

The bottom line, we must trust in our judicial system to do what is right.
Photo - pixabay - sergeitokmakov

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Still Counting

 As the votes are still being tallied. The anticipation of who will control the House and Senate is still unknown.

However, the outcome of the fight for freedom will continue.  The price of freedom is not easy. It's not something that everyone agrees to. Political opinions have always been a topic of discussion. It is the American way. But I'm deeply concerned if the House and Senate go democrat. Then the days of opinions of anything opposite the liberal viewpoint will be censored. And the only reason I say this is because this is a current practice of the Biden administration.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


November is the month to honor Veterans. 

Most would think November is the month of Thanksgiving or the pre-Christmas month. But I see it as the month for veterans because, without the veterans, we would not have all those freedoms we experience throughout the year.  People take for granted and not really thinking about those who served in our military to protect our country's freedoms. My wife and I always make time for our local Veterans Day parade.  We had experienced times when just a few people came to the parade. It was a sad experience seeing World War II vets walking in the parade waving at the small gathering of groups of supporters on the sidewalk. These guys put their life on the line for us and were willing to take the possibility of dying for our country. The sidewalks should have overflowed with people waving back at them and expressing gratitude.  

Why has our country come to the point of going overboard, celebrating every ethnic and LGBTQ group throughout the year? And barely giving any notice to the US Veteran. The patriotism for our country and those who serve it has disappeared. And those of us who have served and known the sacrifices our military makes every hour of every day can't express how grateful we are to the heroes of the past and present. 

I hope more people will come to local Veterans Day celebrations this year. 

Thank a Veteran!

Photo: BrianPenny - pixabay

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Media Blitz


There will be a media blitz of political campaign attacks in the next couple of months. Progressives and Conservatives have been gathering news clips for the past months and taking sound bites from politicians up for election.

This will hit us hard with political commercials before November 8th. I believe most ads will be aimed at independents and those undecided. Because the Democrats and Republicans have already decided on their candidate. Ultimately, the ones elected will result from the marketing manager strategy who developed the ads. Sadly, we must rely on what we see and hear in campaign ads. I know we could all do some deep research into each candidate. 

But there is some truth in our gut instincts. Most of this is based on our past experiences and the political life of the candidate.  November the 8th is a critical date that could change our government drastically. Both parties are far apart and have no room for compromise. 

In my conservative view, the progressives will say or do anything possible to convince the undecided voters to come to their side. And I'm not entirely confident that the election process will be fair. I refuse to believe that Biden received more votes than any president in the history of the United States. There is no way this actually happens. The 2020 election was fraudulent, fixed, stolen, compromised, and rigged. Biden is not the elected president of the United States, but that is just my opinion. And I believe they (the democrats) will do exactly what it takes to repeat another fraudulent election day to keep their destructive policies so they can continue to destroy the US Constitution and the Rule of Law and to take all our freedoms to live under a Socialist government.

God help us all! 

Make America Great Again! 

Photo: chayka1270 - pixabay


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Time is Now

In the social media world, there is a lot of talk about preparing for the months ahead. Most of this is about the supply chain breakdown and, from there, the collapse of our basic infrastructure. And most of these opinions are based on facts.

The public media, broadcast news, and newspaper opinions have to some extent, mentioned this breakdown.  But as we all know, it will go unnoticed if it's not the day's top story.

Here are my thoughts, taking all factors and personal observations into consideration.

1. The supply chain is breaking down. The car lots in my area are almost empty. The cars in the lot are parked close to the road to make it appear full, but it's not.

2. I have noticed empty sections in the grocery store, which is different from the shortages during the pandemic. These are all food items.

3. The public response to shortages that affect them directly will cause panic buying.  We saw this during the pandemic, and people will react the same way now. 


4. The mid-term elections are in a few months, and politics will be a significant component in this breakdown.


I will typically observe any situation and evaluate all the information to come to a reasonable conclusion. With all that said, I predict we will be in a supply chain collapse by mid-October.  We are close to the tipping point as events are slowly becoming a reality, and this time will be worse than the supply issues of 2020.

Start preparing now! 


Monday, August 29, 2022

We Must Take Back Our Country

Have the citizens of the United States become complacent about decisions made by the federal government on their behalf?

Why does it seem that our elected officials are implementing their own opinions about laws that govern the people who put them in office?

I realize some decisions are made on our behalf because it is a matter of ongoing day-to-day business that all political parties can agree on.

Lately, laws like the Inflation Reduction Act are being introduced and passed without any voice. 

Highlighted below are the points that have nothing to do with inflation or reduction.  This is where politicians will insert their personal opinion on how the federal government should spend our money.

From Wikipedia:


The Build Back Better Plan was a legislative framework proposed by United States President Joe Biden between 2020 and 2021. Generally viewed as ambitious in size and scope, it sought to make the largest nationwide public investments in social, infrastructural, and environmental programs since the 1930s Great Depression-fighting policies of the New Deal.[7]

The plan was divided into three parts: one of them, The American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief spending bill, was signed into law in March 2021.[8] The other two parts were reworked into different bills over the course of extensive negotiations within and among Congressional entities. The American Jobs Plan (AJP) was a proposal to address long-neglected infrastructure needs and reduce America's contributions to climate change's destructive effects;[9] the American Families Plan (AFP) was a proposal to fund a variety of social policy initiatives, some of which (e.g. paid family leave) had never before been enacted nationally in the U.S.[10]

The Build Back Better Act was a bill introduced in the 117th Congress to fulfill aspects of the Build Back Better Plan. It was spun off from the American Jobs Plan, alongside the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as a $3.5 trillion Democratic reconciliation package that included provisions related to climate change and social policy. Following negotiations, the price was lowered to approximately $2.2 trillion. The bill was passed 220–213 by the House of Representatives on November 19, 2021.

In December 2021, amidst of negotiations and parliamentary procedures, Senator Joe Manchin publicly pulled his support from the bill for not matching his envisioned cost of about $1.75 trillion[citation needed], then subsequently retracted support for his own compromise legislation. This effectively killed the bill as it needs 50 senators to pass via reconciliation, and all 50 Republican senators opposed it. Continued negotiations between Manchin and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer over the course of months eventually resulted in the $737 billion Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.[11]

The sudden deal on the Inflation Reduction Act, which was negotiated in secret and announced on July 27, 2022, was widely regarded as a 'shocker' as Democrats had voiced that there was little hope for a revival of many of their priorities in addition to Manchin himself being rather pessimistic on the prospect in public.[12]

As the revised bill made its way through the chambers of Congress, the new reality of Biden unexpectedly having a clear path to enacting substantial portions of his domestic agenda into law led to a wide reevaluation of the success of the Biden presidency thus far and is expected to give the President and his party a boost while campaigning for the upcoming 2022 Midterm elections.[13][14][15]

This is just one example of what goes on behind closed doors that directly affect us as taxpayers.

We must take back our country!

Photo: Prettysleepy - Pixabay






Friday, August 5, 2022

Gasoline vs Electric

 About 137 years ago, the gasoline engine was produced and manufactured for public use for those who could afford it.  During that time, only the rich could buy this luxury item.


Think about this:

  • gasoline was very limited - no gas stations because most of the population did not own a car.
  • parts for the car when something broke, again limited demand - no manufacturing parts because no factories to produce them.


Now, think about this comparison:

  • Electric cars are somewhat limited, and public charging stations are limited.  Home charging stations are expensive.
  • Parts are limited because of supply chain issues, especially at this time.


So, here are my final thoughts on this topic.  

I will be ready to buy my first electric car in 137 years.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Politics and Religion

 What does this say about how we interact with each other?

Most people say, " I won't talk about politics or religion" Well, it seems that politics is an essential part of deciding on new friends, yet no one wants to talk about it. Politics should be an open and civil conversation.  Most would say they would not speak because they are afraid of an argument about trying to convince others of their opinions. Discussions on politics should be openly discussed with the exception, not without the consent of the other to talk about it. If individuals are willing and open, I believe it should take place.

As for religion, this is a tricking one because estimates are about 10,000 religions in the world.  This is difficult because one would need some common knowledge of all faiths. I think it should be discussed but with limits; if there are some common values, it's good. One would need to understand some general aspects to have a reasonable discussion. But, as I said about political debates if both are willing to engage, go for it.

Music and entertainment are not essential factors in deciding on friends.

Disclaimer: I do not endorse NBC News or any other progressive media. But there is a need to know what the other side is discussing. 

Friday, July 8, 2022


 Continuing from the last post...

Should journalists/media report all the news, good or bad?

I believe they are responsible for reporting both because they are lying to us if they don't. They are withholding the truth.

The news is so biased it is hard to decipher what is true and what is not.

Just my opinion...


Wednesday, July 6, 2022



July - America's month

On the 4th, we celebrated our independence, which I believe most people take for granted.  Our independence from England allowed us to form a new nation based on freedoms and rights for individuals written in the words of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

One freedom that is exercised every day is the freedom of speech. We see and hear this in the news, on social media, and on this blog.  Some people could only dream of being able to voice their opinion about whatever they wanted without being persecuted or arrested. 

Freedom is a God-given right, and those who live with this freedom should thank God every day.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Higher Decisions

It has been a topic for the last several days about when The Supreme Court will make its final decisions about several controversial issues.

The Justices have a critical role because their decisions will affect the laws of the land that will apply to every citizen; it is the final word. The main branches of our government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, are entirely separate; no one department has power over the other. 

But I predict if their decisions go the way I believe, the President and the Legislative branch will somehow find a way to reverse their decision.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


What's up with the heat?

And no, it's not climate change.

Just a short opinion

I don't believe in climate change.  The weather has been changing since the earth was created.  Oceans levels, temperature changes, and storms have always existed and changed yearly. And for those that believe the United States is contributing to the pollution causing the change. 
They should look to China first, where the pollution is so bad that wearing masks has become the norm.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Are You Convinced?

When I was in college, I took a philosophy class.  I will admit this was a deep subject and sometimes challenging to follow.  One thing I remember is in presenting an argument about a particular topic, you had to understand both sides.  It was a way to understand the opposing point of view, which helped explain your own viewpoints.  This was not just to say who was right or wrong, but it could open discussion without judgment. Although the objective was to convince the opposing viewpoint to your own.  In the past, I've been in conversation with people of opposing views, and once they discovered my take on a particular topic, this escalated into an argument. It became the I'm right, and you are wrong discussion, which never came to a conclusion.

I'm stating this to say, with all the controversial topics, abortion, COVID, immigration/border, the economy, progressive/conservative politics, and the list goes on... 
I realize people feel strongly about their own philosophy, but when the realization of trying to convince the opposing view to your own, the conversation could become endless. At this point, one must end with a final statement, "we are going to have to agree to disagree," and hope the two parties can remain civil.

My philosophy here is to share my opinions and hopefully convince those who might read them to consider other points of view.

Photo: geralt/pixabay

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Supreme Court Draft Opinion


The important note in the news leak is that this is a draft opinion. It is not official yet. The Supreme Court does not accidentally leak information about major decisions.  This was clearly intentional by the progressive Justices to rally the pro-choice protesters.  Why would they do this?  Because if the progressives get enough attention in the media, then I'm sure the Biden administration will get involved somehow and change it. We had the BLM protest in 2020. This will be the 2022 summer protest. 

About half of the United States is Pro-Life. This will be the battle of good versus evil - Pro-life vs. pro-choice. We must protect life from the moment of conception to till the last day. 

God help us all.

Monday, May 2, 2022

The Disinformation Governance Board ?

The news in recent days has covered the new sub-department of Homeland Security - The Disinformation Governance Board. 

And some of these reports compare it the novel 1984.  So, without getting into an opinion on this matter, below are the best definitions I could find on the two topics.  

What are your thoughts?   


1984 By George Orwell

1984 is a classic dystopian novel—a novel that describes a society with great suffering—written by George Orwell and published in 1949, a few years after WWII ended. It was published at the beginning of the height of the Cold War, and people gravitated toward a book that spoke of such things as government control and "doublethink".

The novel is set in 1984 in Airstrip One, formerly England. Airstrip One is part of the nation Oceania. It is run by an authoritarian-style government called Ingsoc, and it requires complete obedience. It is led by Big Brother, who is said to be a philosopher and war hero, and who inspires loyalty and fear. One of the slogans of Oceania is "Big Brother is watching you." It has one political party, simply named the Party. The government changes historical records to suit their needs and produces propaganda and all the entertainment for the citizens.

Source: Ministry of Truth in 1984 by George Orwell | Quotes, Slogan & Description - Video & Lesson Transcript |

I could not find an official government website with the actual definition, so here is the Wikipedia version.

The Disinformation Governance Board is a United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) board announced on April 27, 2022 during a 2023 budget hearing before the United States House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security. Its aim is protecting national security by combatting foreign misinformation and disinformation. Specific problem areas mentioned include false information propagated by human smugglers encouraging migrants to surge to the Mexico–United States border, as well as Russian-state disinformation on election interference, the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, and COVID-19 vaccines.[1] In a statement, the DHS said the board would "protect privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties" as part of its duties.[1][2]

Source: Disinformation Governance Board - Wikipedia