Wednesday, December 20, 2023

98.6% of Americans Agree


In a recent survey of Americans, they believe __________

This is where you fill in the blank.  The news media controls what you think based on surveys. However, they do not emphasize only 100 people of probably like-minded individuals of the same political party with a +/- degree of error.  

Is this a fair assessment of how the American people think?

As of 2021, there were 331 million people in the United States.

100 people surveyed do not determine the general opinions of millions of Americans. 

We often see surveys telling us we are either in the majority or minority, but this is not the reality.  Decisions are being made at a corporate and government level to manipulate what you should believe, and that propaganda is destroying America.  

Wake up, America. Think for yourself. Do not let someone else tell you how to think or what you should believe.

Photo - pixabay - Mohamed_hassan


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