Showing posts with label direction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label direction. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What direction?


There seems to be some confusion about what direction the United States has in overall policies.

We hear in the media about how well the economy is going, and a 3 trillion dollar infrastructure package will not cost anything, and the crisis at our southern border is not an issue.

But we can see that it is not true, just going to the grocery store or the gas pump, the economy is in the worst shape since the Carter presidency. The massive spending our government is doing is out of control.  And who is going to pay for all of this?  the American people, either on the front end for the cost of supplies and services or in taxes.

But their could possibly be some hope to all of this but not without some long-term fight to stop this insane spending. Americans are going to have to really feel the cost and how its hits their monthly budgets.  I think most believe this is temporary and will be over soon.  I predict this situation will continue till the end of 2022.  Businesses are struggling with supply chain, and getting people to work (another topic in a later post) So, here is the hope, once we reach as a country the pain threshold of economic disaster. I believe democrats and republicans will agree and ousts the politician's that cause this mess. It will be hard because those politicians have been in office for a longtime and will not give up their political strong hold on our country.

2022 is the key to unlock the chains we are currently under and that key is to vote out those radical left socialist.

Vote to get our country going in the right direction.          



Monday, January 11, 2021


 2021 The New Year or a continuation of 2020

I have tried to be positive about the upcoming year but it has been very difficult. The recent events of the breech of the US Capitol and continued BLM protest, it doesn't seem to be hopeful. The thought of a brighter future seems a little dim now. 

My thought on this is somehow we need to find a common ground.  Politically its not going to happen anytime soon.

So, what will bring us together?

I wish a had an answer, but whatever it might be it needs to happen soon, because everyday that goes by our country will be divided even more.

God Help Us All

Monday, June 15, 2020

Before and After

Just a few thoughts about about this point in time, our history.

I believe that the COVID-19 will mark a point in our lives when we will talk about time in terms of was that before or after the pandemic. Because it has effected every particle of the day-to day activities, from what happens at home, workplaces, restaurants, sporting events and the list could go on and on.  History will record how well we survived, the good and bad decisions, medical history in case this happens again.  All the lessons will be our history to go the books for future generations to read. 

I wonder how history will describe this event?  

Friday, May 15, 2020


United We Stand 

As the country re-starts the economy. Now everybody has an opinion about the pandemic whether it's who to blame or this or that could have been accomplished differently, it does not matter. We need to unite just as we did in the first few weeks when everybody was at home and the streets were empty. We seemed to be united during that time because we in someway suffered together. 

The unemployment rate is the highest in years. We can all unite putting all political differences aside. Everyone needs to safely go out and buy goods and services in their local economy. This will jumpstart our cities bring the unemployment down and pumping dollars back for the rebuilding of America.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Their Way

Just a bit of a rant about opinions. I have a few as most people do and usually when opinions are expressed it is because one person is trying to convince another to lean their way, and that is the way it works. But when people just accept a particular opinion without reasoning and accepting of a view just because someone said so, is crazy. Opinions should take in consideration the source - whose opinion is it? - have they been reliable in the past? - are their opinions respected? - or can they be trusted?

How can someone just read or hear an opinion in the media and accept as the absolute truth?

Opinions have to be evaluated by yourself - is it right or wrong? - good or evil?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Free Will

Free will is like forks in a road. When we come to a juncture in our life where we have to make a decision. All the roads are clearly marked with both good and bad. God has his signs posted along with the others. Our decisions to which path will ultimately take will give results to the wrong or right decision. When we take the wrong road we realize we must change directions. And that is when the signs from God are the most obvious. The more we practice understanding our strengths and weakens of our free will the ability to see the signs of God will be clear.