Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The First Day of Summer

Today is the official day of Summer.

The time of the year when most people are busy doing what they love outdoors, except those who work outside. God bless them; they have a hard job working in the elements all year.

I think most people enjoy the summer because everything seems to come to life, gardens are growing, lawns are being mowed, and people are boating or spending more time at the beach.

I say this from the perspective of someone who has experienced all four seasons, so I look forward to the warmer months. I'm not a fan of cold weather. 

So, Happy first day of Summer.

Photo: Image by Tim Hill from Pixabay

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


What's up with the heat?

And no, it's not climate change.

Just a short opinion

I don't believe in climate change.  The weather has been changing since the earth was created.  Oceans levels, temperature changes, and storms have always existed and changed yearly. And for those that believe the United States is contributing to the pollution causing the change. 
They should look to China first, where the pollution is so bad that wearing masks has become the norm.  

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Snow again?

I thought we were done with the last of the snow of the year.

The temperatures next week will be upper 60's to mid-70's. I'm ready for the summer.

Monday, January 3, 2022


Its officially winter 

Nashville has received its first snow of the winter today.  Some areas around middle Tennessee receive up to 8 inches.  But here is the odd thing about all of this, on Jan. the 1st it was 78 degrees.  The weather at times here is so unpredictable.        

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


It's the end of July and then we move into August.  July is a month with the celebration of our Independence and many of the other months during the year are typically know for at least one major holiday that represents that month. But I do not know of a major day that represents August. The only thing I can think of is its hot and humid (it's a southern thing). 

If I'm missing something please tell me

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


The changing in the seasons is now upon us at least for my part of the country. I always like the fall, temperatures are cool but not freezing. The winter on the other hand drives everybody indoors until spring. I'm sure once winter is here, I will be talking about it because I’ll be inside making blog entries about how cold it is outside. More on this in a few months.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Frozen February

This has been the coldest winter that I remember.

It seems to be a pattern that I do not post much in the month of February. I guess the temperatures have affected my ability to write which is not saying much to begin with, so I'll try to make a better effort.

The weather has been extremely cold in my part of North America. This region normally has some mild winters compared to the Midwest. But for this month we have experienced some extreme temps for this area. The next few days forecasters are predicting another round of of temps in the teens at night.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cold Weather Conversation

The last few weeks has been extremely cold for the southern part of the United States. In most cases about 40 years since temperatures have dip this low - in the single digits.

One thing I've noticed is with the weather if it is hot or cold it will bring out conversation. Everyday since this cold snap I have had at least one conversation about the weather. I guess it is an easy topic to discuss with strangers, it is something we can all relate to - the fact we are all cold. The funny thing about this is after the cold has left, we will continue to talk either about how we are glad its gone or glad warmer weather has come. 

Is there any one single topic you can discuss with anyone that we all share in the experience?

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Watch "Tornadoes Cause Damage in Oklahoma and Missouri" on YouTube


The last couple of weeks the storms that have swept through the Mid-West has been incredible. What are the odds of two powerful storms going through the same region? I prayer that they will get some relief from the storms.

These events are always hard, but it gives everyone who was not affected by the weather time to think about preparedness for the next storm. So often the thought of "it will not happen to me" always delays the preparing. I know that no one is going to 100% ready for anything that would cause a major disruption of life. But at least with a little bit of prepping it could make easier in the recovery process.

Follow the link to find more info on how to prepare.

American Red Cross

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Skywarn volunteers for the National Weather Service are activated then large storms move across the United States. This service provides the reports that initiate the watch and warning system that is critical in saving lives.