Showing posts with label border. Show all posts
Showing posts with label border. Show all posts

Monday, January 29, 2024


The Southern border of the United States has become one of the most talked about news stories in the past couple of weeks. The main reason is because Texas has proclaimed it shall defend its border as a State. They have not only assumed the responsibility but also have become the frontline against the invasion of illegals into the United States.  Over 25 State governors have announced they will support Texas, but the Federal Government has not and probably will not support this effort. 

The border should be completely closed entirely. If someone wants to become a citizen of the United States, they should come here legally.  We must have our priorities in order and take care of U.S. citizens first.  And Texas is doing just that as it is making the people of Texas their first concern. 

All 50 States should back Texas because if not, the frontline will move to the next State and the next.  

Hold Strong Texas!! We support you!

 Photo - pixabay - Kjrstie 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Illegal Invasion

Most of the time, I will look at the various news feeds to find articles. But yesterday, I watched several videos of trains on their way to the US border with hundreds or probably thousands of illegals on board to make their way to eventually cross over into the United States.  This is an absolute invasion of the United States. The term invasion means they are coming here illegally to take over this country. The only difference between this and a military take-over is these are not organized military units with commanders leading the charge to take over.  But it still holds true the United States is being overrun.  Our social systems will be overburdened, costing the U.S. taxpayer millions to pay for someone illegally here.  

I come from a long history within my family of immigrants coming to the U.S., but they came here legally. This country has always been built on the foundation of people from other countries from the early days of the English colonists. We are the melting pot of the world.  But the one thing that should be absolutely enforced is the legal process of entry.

Follow the link for the new story 

Mexico railway halts train operations after viral video showing migrants riding to the US ( 

Photo - pixabay - 12019 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The End of Title 42

The End of Title 42 is a disaster for the United States.

Title 42, the public health policy that quickly expels border-crossers – imposed by then-President Donald Trump and continued under President Joe Biden – is set to expire May 11.

Once this expires, it is expected that 10,000 illegal immigrants will cross the border into the United States daily. News media reports these are people seeking asylum. My understanding of asylum-seekers is that immigrants are supposed to stop at the first country border and request asylum. But why is it that there are people from all over the world coming through Mexico? They have managed to maneuver around enough to find their way to the Mexico/United States border. 

At the end of September 2022, the US Border Patrol recorded that 2.4 million illegal immigrants had crossed the United States. This number will expand even more after May 11th.

There are approximately 2,500 US troops at the border now, and 1,500 more troops are expected to arrive soon to assist in controlling the massive number of illegals crossing the US border.


Biden orders 1,500 more troops to Mexico border ahead of Title 42 ending | The Texas Tribune 


We already have enough problems of our own this would not only overload the border states but will expand into all the states and small towns. 

This seems to be flowing too well. How is it that those crossing the border have traveled thousands of miles, giving the appearance of having just stepped off a charter bus? I will tell you why. It is being funded by wealthy progressives on a mission to destroy the United States by overwhelming our local governments. 

Watch and learn after May 11th. News reports from all over the United States will report cities being overrun by illegals. 



Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Change is coming

The conservatives have taken control of congress, lookout progressives, and the wave of investigations is coming. First on the agenda is securing the border. Who would have thought this to ever be an issue, but the last few years of a completely open border have created an invasion never seen in the United States. I can only hope that a republican congress can reverse or at least stop and ultimately close the southern US border.  I'm not sure it can be done without the signature of Biden, but at least it should get the attention of the general public which has been somewhat censored. The media and the white house press have controlled the narrative and downplayed the real problem.  I believe the progressive media outlets will at least cover the press releases from congress, critique the conservative opinions, and maybe change the minds of some liberals. 

photo: pixabay   

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Border Crisis


The United States border is out of control. If this were an invading army, we would be under the rule of the conquering country. But, instead of a military invasion, the government will slowly collapse under the crippling effects of 2 million people worldwide, including criminals, gang members, and terrorists. Our infrastructure is not capable of handling this many people. 

The Biden administration has attributed the mass exodus from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua to the policies of their leftist regimes and the dire economic circumstances faced by many people there.

"Failing communist regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba are driving a new wave of migration across the Western Hemisphere, including the recent increase in encounters at the southwest U.S. border," CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said in a statement Monday.

           CBS News

So, the main reason for the exodus to the United States is the most left policies; what then is the Biden administration? The answer is the progressive leftist policies of the current president of the United States have approved an open border for all to escape to. I do not believe anything will be done to alleviate this problem. They (the democrats) will make some statements about securing the border in the coming weeks to put on a good show just before the elections in November to make it sound like they are addressing the issue. But ultimately, nothing will happen. And we will soon become a country like Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Speech

 I watched the State of the Union Address last night and it clearly did not give us the true state of our country.

I believe both liberals and conservatives at some point would agree the speech was not good. The liberals didn't hear the list of "all" agenda items Biden promised he would do as president, which was clear in the Democrat response by Rashida Talib. The dems are not happy, they want a more progressive president. And for the conservatives it was a bunch of lies, making statements to try to unite us - what a joke. This country is clearly divided. In the speech, I could not believe I heard him say "we need to secure our borders" and this was directed to the people who are living in the "I don't follow politics or watch the news people" for those this was a profound statement and for all others it was insane, didn't make any sense statement. The man is crazy and his speech writer is make it worse.