Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Renewal and Good News

 I'm looking forward to the Spring and Summer months. It is a time for renewal, like most folks will do in January with resolutions. The outdoors is being renewed daily; something new is growing and thriving, and the critters are multiplying. 

I try to renew myself every morning - the start of a new day because yesterday was history. I will admit it has been difficult with all the bad news, and I have expressed much of that here. And too much bad news makes it challenging to have a positive outlook daily.  Most of the information we get is fed to us - not much of choice. I realize some folks only get their news once daily, and the odds of getting some good news are slim. So, you must try searching for good news and renewing yourself in several ways. 

First, try to find some good sources online for the good news content that works for you, social media pages, hashtags, blogs, or websites, and go there every day.

The second is to establish a prayer life.  Connect with your Creator, read the Bible, reciting your prayers at a minimum in the morning and evening. Re-connect/Renew your relationship with God daily.


Sunday, April 28, 2019


The weather is warming up and it is time to be outdoors. 

This is at least a reason why I haven't posted much this month. 

You need to be outside and to enjoy Gods creation. If you don't have a job outdoors and you are stuck inside for whatever reason you need those rays of sunshine.