Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Technology over the Top

What?  Technology over the top

Ford wants to allow your car to lock you out — and even drive itself to an impound lot or scrapyard — if you miss payments (

I completely understand why; if someone does not make their monthly payment, they want their car back. I get it, but if this technology is here to stay, how will it be applied to other vehicle applications.

For instance, air quality for the day is bad, and car manufacturers decide to lock you out of your car until air quality improves. And everyone would either walk or take another mode of transportation. This is a step to move more in the direction of all-electric vehicles with even more control over your individual property. The more AI (artificial intelligence) is installed the less freedom. 

The article mentioned having a geofence for the driver of the vehicle. Limiting the travel area so the car would only have a small range of travel. This application could be under government control, and you can imagine the extent of ways to limit one's journey from one place to another. 

The solution is buying a 1990s car and turning off your cell phone.

Photo - pixabay - RyanMcGuire

Friday, March 4, 2022

A Bigger Plan

Is it just me or is the world in a tail spin?

I really try to keep up with the latest news, mostly local news but it seems lately whatever goes on in another country is now affecting our country.
Events in the past few years seem to be part of a bigger plan. Who is implementing this plan? and what is actually happening.
  • Worldwide pandemic 
  • Global supply chain crisis
  • US government out of control
  • Ground war in Europe against a world power with the potential for nuclear war.
First source of all the above is evil and George Soros. Evil is the influencer to Soros and all those who follow his plan including the World Economic Forum.  And what makes this so concerning is the amount of money and influence this "bigger plan" has and we cannot see or predict what is coming next. The plan did not happen in a few weeks it has taken years to get to this point.

Advice: Read the Holy Bible - Old and New Testament. You will learn the greatness of God and understand His words to us on how resist and battle against Satan. Study history, the currents events can be traced back to past similar historical events. What we are experiencing is nothing new. The only element that makes this different is technology.

Pray to the Lord our God for help to get us through this time.  

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 The fact that Americans get to choose the leaders of our country is what makes the United States great.

But, nowadays, the voting system seems to be inadequate. The voting machines are questionable after this last election. The mail in ballots seem to also be questionable. And the progressive want to eliminate voter identification and that is just crazy.

  Why? 🤯

you have to have ID for just about anything that's official and voting is one of the most important duties we have as citizens.

I understand technology is always changing the way we do things but we must have voter integrity, because if we don't it just sets us up for all kinds of voter fraud.  I realize nothing is absolutely perfect and corruption free, but by all means possible our elections must be a true representation the of the people. 

Contact your local, state and federal elected officials and tell to keep voter identification a requirement.    

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

History will Tell

After the pandemic, what will history tells about the event?

How will it be told in the history books? or the internet whichever one you prefer.

I think because this was a worldwide event it will be told from many different perspectives. 

Here are my thoughts:

The source of the virus I believe will be generally recognize as China as the central starting point. The control of containment, the blame will shift to the political leaders of each country and depending on how well they did will determine how long they will stay in office. The economic impact will be analyzed by the type of government, capitalism or socialism just to name a few. The cost will either be paid for by the people or not. And lastly, technology will have a big impact in how we leveraged the tech aspect of the pandemic. 

All of this will be studied for years to come. And I can't even imagine how many books and movies will be created from this event.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Since we are all in our homes more now days than a few months ago the way we communicate has increased.

Many years ago, the telephone was the most common a way we communicated with our work, family, and friends.  Today the ways we communicate are almost endless.  I wonder if we have come the pinnacle of communications? Is there a new communication technology coming?       

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Are we so connected to technology and or devices that we have become dependent upon them?

Is it hard to put your phone down?

Our connection to technology almost at times seems to be a necessary part of our daily lives. But do we really need to check our phones every few minutes? 

I ask these questions because we have become slaves to our phones, computers and favorite apps. Don't get me wrong it is not all bad, but we need to set limits to how we interact with our devices and take time to interact with those people around us. And I'm guilty of all of the above myself. 

Just try a simple observation - take moments during the day to look at the people around you. What are they doing?

Technology is part of our world, it is not going away and we will always be connected at anytime, but there has to be balance. Take time to talk to those people in your life.   

Saturday, March 30, 2019


Will the advancement of technology ever slow down?

The changes that are currently in place with technology are advancing to the point where the mobile phones we buy today will be obsolete in a few months.

When will it slow down?

I realize the smart phone will always be in the improvement stage because that is what generates sales. 

But, technology like self driving cars, medical devices, security systems all have liability issues. 

Can we trust that the research has been complete.

Is it safe?

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What will the next 20 years be like

It amazes me how advanced technology has come in just 10 years. It is hard to comprehend what the next 20 years will bring.

Medicine - procedures, drugs...
Mobile technology - phones, computers, apps
Transportation - self-driving cars, aircraft.
Online retail - Amazon, grocery store.
GPS - devices, and apps.

And did I mention Apps...

Did I miss anything?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Mailings

On December the 16th the US Postal Service process over 600 million pieces of mail.

Interesting with today's technology that mail is still one of the primary sources for sending Christmas greetings. I know when I receive a card in the mail it is more personal than receiving an e-mail Christmas "card".

The Postal Services is going through some difficult financial times trying to survive and compete with e-mail. I'm not sure where the future of the first class letter will be 20 years from now, but I do believe the Christmas card will be a tradition that will be here for a long time.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Will the Smartphone make us unsociable?

I attended a business class several months ago to accomplish two things, to learn something and to network with business professionals. At our first break I was ready to network. I was ready to discuss the class or to connect with like-minded people, maybe even a job connection. But to my surprise every person in the class turned on their phone. I had a "regular" mobile phone. I wanted to network but it seemed as if I would disturb my classmates if I talked to them while they were using their Smartphone.

I experience often while on the elevator at work the unsociable side of Smartphone’s. People will automatically read their emails or surf the net. No greetings or conversations. Again, interrupting someone almost seems rude. I didn’t quite understand why everyone was so fascinated with their phones. I had a flip phone at the time and I thought I was somewhat current with the latest gadgets, until I decided to upgrade to a Smartphone.

I now have the latest in Smartphone technology. I understand now the fascination with this technology. I have the world at my fingertips. But one thing I will not do is be unsociable. I make conscience effort to not focus my attention on my phone when I'm interacting with people.

Smartphone’s can make us more sociable with Twitter and Facebook, but let’s not forget to turn off the phone and interact with the people around us.

Being sociable and interacting with one another is better when it is done face to face.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I have been following the news lately on the status of the US Postal Service. The last update was that within the next 10 years the US Postal Service would be delivering only 3 days a week.

How did this happen? Historically, it started with the telegraph and overtime faxes and e-mails.

I'm the first to acknowledge that e-mail is very convenient. But, if I receive a hand-written letter in the mail I'm more apt to open it immediately, where as the flood of e-mails I'm more selective in what I open.

I can't image what it would be like not to have regular mail delivery or even worst no postal system as we know it today.

Think about it. We rely heavily on our infrastructure and if there is a total collapse meaning no electricity and no phones. Our only means of distant communication would be the mail system.

The next time you go to your mailbox think about how it would be if this was your only means of communication.

Friday, May 9, 2008


What would we do without it?

I thought, about what I did before the cell phones and computers and yes I’m showing my age. If you needed to make a phone call, you would pull off the road somewhere and make a 25-cent phone call from a phone booth.

Think about it, if we did not have mobile phones how frustrating it would be just to carry on normal day-to-day activities. Next is the computer, have you ever been at work and the network goes down? What usually happens? Everyone stops working. No e-mail, no data entry, no internet.

What did we do before technology?