Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Technology over the Top

What?  Technology over the top

Ford wants to allow your car to lock you out — and even drive itself to an impound lot or scrapyard — if you miss payments (

I completely understand why; if someone does not make their monthly payment, they want their car back. I get it, but if this technology is here to stay, how will it be applied to other vehicle applications.

For instance, air quality for the day is bad, and car manufacturers decide to lock you out of your car until air quality improves. And everyone would either walk or take another mode of transportation. This is a step to move more in the direction of all-electric vehicles with even more control over your individual property. The more AI (artificial intelligence) is installed the less freedom. 

The article mentioned having a geofence for the driver of the vehicle. Limiting the travel area so the car would only have a small range of travel. This application could be under government control, and you can imagine the extent of ways to limit one's journey from one place to another. 

The solution is buying a 1990s car and turning off your cell phone.

Photo - pixabay - RyanMcGuire

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