Friday, March 24, 2023

Everyday Diplomacy

Diplomacy is a powerful word, but it is used even more powerfully when it is in action. It is generally used in the context of nations in a debate about a policy to be negotiated, but this is at a higher level than the average person.   

As conversations go for the day-to-day interactions of the general public, it's necessary to apply this action to everything we do.  Some would say, "I'm going to say exactly what is on my mind," without considering the consequences of those words. This literally applies to not only words but all thoughts and actions. It's about control of yourself.  If you think about this for a moment, if everyone said precisely what was on their mind, there would be considerable disagreement. Once this action is engaged, one could be in an unending conversation cycle. But diplomacy is a more controlled way of speech. It's kinder, considerate, negotiable, and should always be honest.

Photo - pixabay - geralt  

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