Showing posts with label control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control. Show all posts

Saturday, July 23, 2022

What is Bill Gates Planning?

Why would someone with as much money as Bill Gates spend it on farmland?

Answer: control

Having that amount is all about control of the food supply; it should be against the law.

I wonder what other plans he has for the land.


Sunday, June 16, 2019


Are we so connected to technology and or devices that we have become dependent upon them?

Is it hard to put your phone down?

Our connection to technology almost at times seems to be a necessary part of our daily lives. But do we really need to check our phones every few minutes? 

I ask these questions because we have become slaves to our phones, computers and favorite apps. Don't get me wrong it is not all bad, but we need to set limits to how we interact with our devices and take time to interact with those people around us. And I'm guilty of all of the above myself. 

Just try a simple observation - take moments during the day to look at the people around you. What are they doing?

Technology is part of our world, it is not going away and we will always be connected at anytime, but there has to be balance. Take time to talk to those people in your life.   

Saturday, March 16, 2019

It Will Work Out

Have you ever wanted something to change?

- job
- apartment or house
- health
- relationships

And the list could go on an on.

Sometimes, we can control what happens in our life and other things we can't. When we are faced with those issues we can't control, we have to have faith it will work out. I know the statement seems general, but if you have faith in God and believe your concerns should go away just ask him. Prayer is the start for us asking God what we want, but remember we are just asking and sometimes God has a different opinion on what is best for us. We might think we know what is best, but God is the one in charge and that will not change.