Showing posts with label citizen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label citizen. Show all posts

Monday, August 30, 2021

Political Failure

In the news recently the evacuation of Afghanistan has been a tragedy for the military and the reputation the United States has as a world leader for freedom.  

In my opinion, the current administration has failed to protect its citizens and military in Afghanistan. I known that anything the government does is not perfect no matter which political party is in office.  But, this even in the eyes of the rest of the world is a complete failure, lives have been lost because of bad planning. I'm very concerned in the next few weeks it is only going to get worst.  The final day for evacuations is August 31, after that day anyone left behind will be on their own. America has never abandon there citizens.  My hope is somehow the two parties will come to an agreement about policies in the Afghan region. I know this is an extreme stretch of hopefulness but it is the only way.  The current political environment is not seeing the unfolding of a disaster that will ripple across America and making it a target to enemy's of the United States. I pray for peace and the safe return of Americans and those who helped the military during the war.    

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Agenda

The United States has been a country of a wide variety of political opinions and in someway its a good thing, until that opinion goes against the US Constitution. I'm not an expert in all the details of this important US document. But there is a movement to completely change or even do away with the freedoms we have been given.

As people are migrating here from their oppressed countries to become American citizens only to see in the news of people born here trying to destroy it. I believe those who are on a mission for the destruction of this nation should leave if they are not happy here.

In my lifetime I have never seen so much hate internally for the US, to the point if you disagree with something you just eliminate it and implement the opposite - no discussion. 

How do we fight this changing of America? We do it by staying informed, filtering the good and bad news, checking and validating sources of information, staying involved in the conservative movement. You should know who represents you at a county, state, and federal level. Do not let the progressives replace the Constitution with their ever changing agenda.


 Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay    

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Businesses Need Us

 Businesses in America today needs our support.

The business of America is in great need right now.  We have an obligation as citizens to do what we can to buy products, use services, and to pay people to work for us. And to take this a step further, when buying products - to buy American. 

This might seems to be an obvious solution to bring back our economy but when the process of buying an item begins it creates a snowball effect in the supply chain.  

The product has to be made and those materials needed have to be produced which employees even more people and once those materials are created they have to be transported. This begins another process, trucks, trains, air transports, and ships at sea, all of this employees people. And when people are employed they in turn go out and buy products and the cycle of producing a single item starts again.

Buy American