Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Get Ready

Watching the news lately can be overwhelming, but I fear it will worsen. If you are following the recent train derailment, this will be a bigger problem than the government officials tell us. The chemicals released into the air and waterways are not going away. This will have a long-term effect for years to come.

And Ukraine is another story where the worst is yet to come for the Ukrainians and the world.  The fact that Russia has pulled out of the nuclear weapons agreement signals that Russia will do whatever it takes to conquer Ukraine.

Getting ready for the ripple effect of these events is a tough issue to resolve when it comes to being prepared because of the unknown. But, at a minimum, everyone should be thinking about the three basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter individually because you should rely on something other than the federal government to help you.

Photo - pixabay - RainbowArt


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