Saturday, September 2, 2023

A Reality Check in Washington D.C.

Our lawmakers' mental and physical ability in Washington has reached a point where someone has to step up and make some decisions. If a House or Senate member is not physically or mentally capable of doing their job, they should leave the office.

If anyone in any occupation has moments of a mental freeze or has turned their decision-making ability over to a power of attorney. They would be asked to leave. We have heard the term career politician, but this doesn't mean a lifetime politician, meaning they are in office until they die.

Politicians, especially the ones in D.C., should be under term limits and be subject to evaluations if they show signs of any decline. These positions represent thousands of people in America, and they are passing laws that affect us.

If you live in a State and you question the capabilities of your representative, you should vote them out. Don't vote for them because they have always been in office; this hurts our nation. 

Make a reality check on who represents you!

Photo - pixabay - WOKANDAPIX

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