Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Next Big Thing?

What is the next big thing to happen?
There is so much going on now in the world.  The number of events happening is hard to track, and these are not from a local viewpoint.  

What am I referring to? 

The tension in Europe with the threat of World War III

AI - artificial intelligence, no one really knows how to control it. 

In the United States - there is a massive influx of people from all over the world crossing our southern border. The last reports are 10,000 crossing daily. 

The immorality of society. 

The financial markets are down. 

Rumors of food shortages in the winter. 

How does anyone prepare for any of this? 

Some things are not in our control, while others we can do. The more important matter here is to pray.  We can ask God to help us during these difficult times for help. Praying is not difficult; it's just a conversation with God. Sometimes, we do all the talking; sometimes, God does, but we must be open to hearing Him.  

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