Thursday, September 14, 2023

The State of New Mexico Governor

The governor of the State of New Mexico recently stated a proclamation to put into effect a temporary ban on concealed and open-carry firearms in public. 

This is a direct attack on the 2nd Amendment. She is facing backlash, and rightly so; I believe this is just another way for the Democrats to "test the waters." How much can they say or do to add to the liberal agenda? The interesting thing about this is that the only people it will affect are the law-abiding citizens.  Does anyone really believe the criminals are going to follow the law? The answer: of course not.  If criminals followed the law, they would not be criminals. Plain and simple.

For more information on this story follow the link below:

"Controversial Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico recently made headlines for placing a temporary ban on concealed and open carry of firearms in public." (American Insider)

Enraged Democrat Governor Says She Doesn’t Need Sheriff’s ‘Lecture’ on Constitutionality (

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