Thursday, September 7, 2023

An Unstable World

Over the last year, more and more reports have come out about war among the world's superpowers.

This is of great concern because it is not only because of the loss of life for those fighting in it but also affects those not involved. These superpower countries all have one thing in common. In multiple ways, they depend on one another, especially in manufacturing. No country is entirely independent. Although the United States should be completely independent from other countries. But those decisions have already been made, and nothing can be done now. 

The effects of a global war will severely affect underdeveloped countries, the poor, those with medical issues, and the elderly. The only thing we can do is to prepare for the worst-case scenario. First, get right with God. Second, prepare as much as possible with food, medical supplies, or anything you need if the supply chain is shut down. 

Also, follow current news as much as possible. We cannot know when it will actually happen, but it will be soon.

Photo - pixabay - Zaimful

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