Tuesday, April 18, 2023

God will Prevail

Scanning the news stories this morning, I discovered this MSNBC interview about using God as an excuse.

Follow the Link https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/athena-butler-the-republican-party-is-using-god-as-an-excuse/vi-AA19UMh7?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=0799da64adac4a7e8e45bcaedd01cbb1&ei=75

Everyone in this great country has the right to voice their opinion; with that said, here is mine.

The interview follows up on the recent events in the Tennesse state legislature, the expulsion of members of the State House, and the difference in opinions about right and wrong. The video clearly expresses the extreme progressive left criticizing the words and actions of the members of the super-majority-led conservative party in the State House.  These representatives are relaying the voices of their constituents, who are God-fearing people and believe the laws of God should be followed in all matters of life with no exceptions. God did not give us rules to live by just so we could pick and choose the ones we agree with and disregard the ones we don't. 

God knows what is best for us. God created the universe, so I trust God knows what He is doing. No one is perfect. We have to do our best every day to make the right decisions. But the MSN video completely disregards the Truth of God; they are choosing to criticize what conservatives see as a way of life and twisting the words of the Bible to fit their narrative. 

God's Word in the Bible was given to us to follow to the end of times. It does not change according to which way the political and cultural winds are blowing. No exception. God knows what is best for us because He loves us.  There is no place for racism, prejudice, or any other hatred. But with that said we must not give in to the progressive ideology that all things Christian are evil. Christians for over 2,000 years have been defending their faith, and it will not be stopped by whatever is trending on the day's news. God will prevail. 

Photo - pixabay - bpcraddock 

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