Thursday, December 17, 2020

The One Constant

This year has not been a usual year, the world has clearly been affected by the virus.  The influence has varied from person to person, but overall everyone has been impacted. And depending on how each person perceives the virus will determine how they communicate, move about work and in general everyday life.  The politics of the the virus, and how each city determines which businesses are open or closed are also factors in a person life. The vaccine is questionable to some people where others will be standing inline to get it. 

All of these changes are drastic and out of the norm.

But, there is the one constant that never changes or at least should not - and that is prayer.

Our prayer life should always be constant.

Sure there will be days when things are a little crazy especially now.  We are not in control, God is and we should always remember He is our creator and we should recognize that everyday and no matter how our daily life is turned upside down we can only deal with it the best way we can and to pray to God for assistance everyday.   

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