Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Spiritual Life

 Sunday Thoughts

I share my thoughts here often about political opinions, and how our country is going in the wrong direction. But, I need to share few good opinions about the spiritual life and Sunday is an appropriate day to share in my faith.

The Bible is our best compass to guild us in the right direction in matters of faith.  We can always reference the various books in this ancient collection of God's Word to apply its principles and values in todays world.  Another source, are writings from the Saints these are the inspirations of ordinary people who became extraordinary followers of Jesus Christ.

And, one of the more important practices of living a life with God is prayer.  We have our day to day routines whether its going to school, work, or living the retired life. Prayer life is our connection to God and without it makes us vulnerable to the evil that exist in world, it is our battle shield. 

The Bible, Saints, and regular daily prayer are just a small part of living the spiritual life.  Faith in Jesus Christ is the single most important practice we should do everyday.     


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