Wednesday, January 26, 2022



The world is watching the events unfold in Ukraine, but most people couldn't care less or are not even aware that a major world power is about to invade another country.

More than 100,000 Russian troops are surrounding the country - this is not a drill!  I believe that war is inevitable.  Russia has tested the world. Our response and the world response should be quick and without compromise.  One element of this buildup is that the world leaders should realize the Russians are not alone.  I say, they are not the only aggressor, China is silently backing them and why is that?  Because China is about to invade Taiwan. Does this sound familiar?  Germany and Japan, World War II. And this also includes Iran with its nuclear build up and Israel being the target. And lastly, North Korea on January 5th launched six ballistic missiles "testing them". I sure that once all of the events begin with this invasion all of the above mentioned countries will become allies of Russia and their attacks will commence on their selected countries - the beginning of the next world war.            


Image: Pixabay WikiImages

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