Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Durham Report - Opinion

The Durham Report is finally out.

And everybody has an opinion about it including myself. This has been ongoing for the last 4 years. Initially, the left was ecstatic and glad it had finally occurred. The right said the Durham Report would not find anything, and this was a waste of time, just another dig at Trump. I was scanning some of the news channels this morning. The left needs to be more cohesive in their reporting. They seem to be lost for words to describe their disappointment. The right is saying we knew that the Durham report would not find anything.

What does all of this mean?

First, a waste of time. Anyone who would investigate Trump for 4 years would have done some initial background checks to see if this was worth the time and money.

Second, it shows that the progressives will go to any extent to ruin the former President. And this is not the end of Trump's investigations. The left will continue to create false investigations and report anything they could possibly find to be negative. This will not end until Trump is no longer a threat to the progressive movement. Also, along with all the news reports, someone is collecting and editing video and sound bites against Trump for the 2024 Presidential election.   

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