Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Older Thought Process

Why do we think differently as we grow older?

I believe that we all go through this over time, but the decisions that we made when we are younger ultimately effect the way we think years down the road. The process of our development is based on many factors that interject into our lives and those factors influence our thoughts and actions. Our thoughts and actions can change the way we think by our everyday influences. Examples like, your job and the daily interaction with co-workers or customers. The interaction with the people we meet everyday has an influence on us. We can accept or deny the influences based on what we believe. Anyone can change over time and as we grow older our thought process changes. The changes could be from bad to good or good to bad. Free will is the human element that guides our lives in the countless ways we live and think everyday. On any given day you never know what factors could influence your thought process and change the rest of your life.

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