Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Holiday or Merry Christmas

This seems to be the topic every year. Why has it come to this? The season is Christmas and the 25th of December has always been the day we celebrate the birth of Christ. Society has recognized that other holiday’s also happen about the same time, which is fine except, this is Christmas, and not all holidays combined. If someone wants to say Merry Christmas, than say it. The term should not be offensive, because it is that time of the year. We express holidays and special events throughout the year and no one seems to take offense. What if I said Happy 4th of July to someone from England? Would it be offensive to them because the United States defeated them during the Revolutionary War? Or what if I said Happy St. Patrick’s Day to someone who is not Irish, would they be offended.

My point is this is the season for Christians to celebrate the birth of Christ. No one should take offense to the fact that Christian Americans do this every year. Just as Christians should not take offense to other faith holidays. If I lived in another country where Christianity was a minority, I would not protest because Christmas was not recognized by the majority of society. So the day when Christianity becomes a minority in the United States which I don’t think will happen any time soon. I will continue to say Merry Christmas.

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