Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Twenties

 In my early to mid twenties I was not concerned about major issues in government, and was not strong in my faith.  I lived day by day.  I had a lot of drive for a good paying job, the best car that I could afford and where the next party was and no worries about anything in the world. 

Now, it seems to be just the opposite.  My faith is a major part of my life, I keep current on all government  issues at local, state and federal levels.  I'm happy with my current job and my car is just a way to get me from point A to point B. And my idea of a party is two beers and watching TV.  I'm sure there are others that have followed the same pattern as they get older and there are others that never change and have always live like they did in their twenties.  

Just some thoughts on getting older as we come to a l close of another year.  

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