Friday, December 17, 2021


 Merry Christmas

In past blog entries at this time of the year I will go on my rants about those who spend large amounts their money on gifts for Christmas. Well, this year it seems the supply line has at least sent a wave of panic to those in the Christmas rush. The supply chain crisis has hit most business with shortages and there doesn't seem to be an end anytime soon.

Now is the time for the world to re-focus and get their priorities in order.  Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ.  The focus on the material gathering of the latest new gifts is not what Jesus wants us to aim for in the month of his birth. He came into this world to give us the greatest gift - the love of the Son of God, who came to saves us from the evil of everyday life.  If we would just listen to his words and apply it to our life - this is the best gift anyone could receive.

Take time this month to pray, read the Bible and give thanks.

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