Monday, December 3, 2018

Any Day

Most of my days I think can be interesting, it just depends on how I look at the world around me.

What makes any day interesting?

Is it your work, or do you have to look for the interesting things in the course of the day?

I have moments during any day where I experience goodness. I define moments of goodness - it is where I see or hear about the good things happening in the world. I can sometimes create these moments for other people to experience, but that comes only from knowing something about the people around you. You can also do this with strangers. An example of this would be, holding the door open or saying good morning. It could even include just listening to someone who just needs someone to hear them.

In order for anyone to be able to do this, they must look at the world as Gods creation. Everything from God and for God.  So, be good and kind to everyone you meet, take time to see the goodness in the world on any day.

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