Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Is it the Best or Worst of Times?


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

                      - Charles Dickens -

Does anyone feel like we are going through both good and bad times?

I try to have those days of hopefulness; some days are really good and then the next day it seems to vanish and the reality of the worst of times settles in for the remainder of day. And I go back to 2019/2020 it was like someone flip a switch and everything drastically changed overnight. 

At this moment, news reports of mask mandates possibility being lifted, some local governments are working on cutting taxes to ease the cost of inflation. People are getting out more going to sporting or music events. But then you hear the reports of doom and gloom of war, food shortages, and mass migrations of illegal immigrants crossing the US border.

I think we are at the point of just taking one day at a time, to enjoy those brief moments where all seems right with the world. And for those bad times, just pray to God and hope for the best.      

photo - Alexas_Fotos - pixabay 

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