Monday, March 28, 2022

Oscars 2022 - real or fake or do you care?


First, I did not watch the Oscars last night and have not in years.

I saw the Chris Rock vs Will Smith exchange. I really don't care if it was fake or real. 

I am a fan of classic movies from silent film of the 1920's up to movies in the 1960's. After the 60's, movies seem to go downhill from there, with some exceptions. 

Why does everything have to be dramatized. This incident, fake or not was not good for the movie industry.  The Oscars have been struggling to get there ratings up and this didn't help. And for those who watched it and thought it was good entertainment, your acceptance of this is why our country is in the shape it is in. 

We cannot continue to go down the path of just accepting everything as it happens, there has to be consequences to actions. I realize this was just one show but when does this type of action result in some form discipline.  I would believe if this happened in the 1950's the actors involved would be banned or fined from the film industry.

Just my opinion. 

photo -  onkelglocke - pixabay    

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