Monday, February 7, 2022

Ukraine part 2

My original post on January 26 I stated that World War was coming. I believe now its inevitable.

The news recently has said 130,000 Russians troops are on the Ukraine border, this is the largest build up since World War II.

The United States has to be on full military alert, because like I said before there are more countries who will get involved once the Russians cross the Ukraine border.  

"Those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it", this quote means more now than ever for the world.  The United States did not get involved in World War II until the attack on Pearl Harbor which was a surprise attack.  China, Iran, and North Korea are all enemies of the US, and what makes this so different from World War II, these countries are super powers with massive military capabilities. And more importantly, long-range nuclear missiles.  

Russia is testing the world.  I do not believe sanctions will work, the United States is going down that road with threats of sanctions.  Now is the time for America to flex its military muscle.  

This build up is different from recent Middle East wars because of the countries involved.  In Iraq and Afghanistan we fought against one enemy and no nuclear weapons this is the main element that makes this so dangerous.


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