Friday, September 30, 2022

Media Game Plan

The Biden Administration is playing a game with us. And the game is how many ways they can manipulate us into believing that this is the most successful presidency in the history of the United States.

A few weeks ago, gas prices started to come down, and within a few days, during the White House press conference, they mentioned how the economy is improving. This lasted for a while until no one complained about the gas price. But now the price of gas is going back up. They had the game plan to manipulate the press to convince the public that everything was okay. Distraction is the primary goal of the game.  Once the white house gets a negative spin on the news outlets, the game plan goes into effect. If you haven't noticed this yet, just watch any progressive news, and you will see how quickly the White House responds to take out anything negative every time. 

Another example from this week,

"But the POTUS' latest flub is even more cringeworthy than when Biden said the first lady's husband had tested positive for coronavirus this past March, when in fact it was second gentleman Douglas Emhoff who was sick. Because in this instance, the 79-year-old called out a recently deceased member of Congress during a hunger conference, seemingly unaware of her high-profile accident (via AOL).

"Jackie are you here? Where's Jackie?" Biden wondered aloud while thanking the meeting organizers, including Jackie Walorski, who tragically passed away in a headline-making car crash over the summer (via Reuters).

Later, his press secretary waved away the cringe-inducing moment."

             From: Melissa Willets - The List

Be aware of the media game plan because the goal is to convince you all is well and that this is the best president in the history of the United States.

Photo: Yomare - Pixabay

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