Friday, April 1, 2022

Wag the Dog - the movie


Movie Trailer

The movie scenarios could easily fit into the current political environment as well as past presidencies.  It was about an election year and the current President poll numbers were falling due to a sex scandal. So, the President calls in a specialist (Robert De Niro) to sweep the scandal away and improve his poll numbers. He recruits a movie producer (Dustin Hoffman) to create a fake war to distract the American public by using the news media to help convince the public to re-elect a failing President, sound familiar.  

Over-all, I liked the movie, didn't really care much for the progress-left actors, but a good movie.  

I watched this movie for the first-time last night. I will have to say it was thought provoking and at times funny and other times alarming.

I will usually take what I hear in the news with some analysis of history, some knowledge of politics, past experiences (comes with age) and critical thinking. Watching it I could not help thinking, could this happen in real life? And especially now with the current president (not my president).

Take a look that the pictures from a recent Press Conference with Biden.


Who is in charge of this actor? and more importantly who is the producer?


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